County residents hit by South Tahoe tax


By Kathryn Reed

People who live in El Dorado County using the 96150 ZIP code could find themselves paying more for vehicles than they have to.

The 2004 voter approved Measure Q only applies to South Lake Tahoe, but with the same home ZIP code for the South Shore, the tax is getting applied to county residents.

city sltThe additional 0.5 percent transaction and use tax is applied to purchases in the city limits. But that’s not the only time, and that’s why county residents may be getting hit with a tax that isn’t applicable to them.

“Measure Q is also collected on purchase transactions made outside the city limits that must be registered such as cars and boats, or where the merchandise sale includes delivery, such as with furniture,” explained Christine Vuletich, South Lake Tahoe finance director. “The tax on these types of purchases is allocated back to the city if the purchaser resides in South Lake Tahoe.”

A Lake Tahoe News reader who lives in El Dorado County had a run-in with the Department of Motor Vehicles regarding a vehicle she was registering. She was able to get a refund when the ZIP code issue came to light, but was told by DMV she “must let them know in advance next time.”

South Tahoe collects between $1.8 million and $2 million a year from Measure Q. This money goes into the general fund to pay for police, fire, snow removal, and parks and recreation, Vuletich said.

Measure Q does not have an expiration date.

The California Department of Motor Vehicles contends with many extra fees that have nothing to do with actual vehicle registration. Here are some of those DMV fees.


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Comments (6)
  1. dogwoman says - Posted: February 19, 2011

    That’s interesting. When I bought my ’05 Honda in NV and went to register it here, I tried to get the DMV employee to knock off that extra half cent tax because I don’t live in the city and she said, no, I had to pay it anyway. That extra one half percent adds up on a twenty three thousand dollar car, let me tell you! But the civil servants like saying NO.

  2. Steve says - Posted: February 19, 2011

    County Residents: Welcome to a glimpse of the higher taxes and fees we in the City are forced to pay on a daily basis. It’s simply extortion.

  3. Skibum says - Posted: February 19, 2011

    The same thing happens when you order something on line and have it shipped, your tax is based on the zip code 96150. You can have them take that off, all you have to do is call and explain where you live and the tax rate is different. That’s why Meeks needs to leave the city and stay only in the county. I purchased some new equipment this year, my little contribution to stimulating the economy, and I got the tax rate change by telling them I live in the county but have a city zip code. The tax rate was changed and I saved almost $100.00. Don’t sound like much but it does add up. You can change it you just have to get them to do their job and not be lazy.

  4. Julie says - Posted: February 19, 2011

    Dogwoman – you are NOT required to pay that tax if you do not live in the City of SLT. DMV has a “special” form they pull out for county residents. You sign and give your address, and they charge you the correct tax. It is fraudulent what they are doing. They know about this tax – they must have a county resident in their office every day of the week. It is their responsibility, if they are going to tax us, to tax us correctly – yet they conveniently “forget” that there are people up here in zip code 96150 who do NOT live in the city. I would pursue it.

  5. Louis says - Posted: February 19, 2011

    Steve … when I was in school this was called taxation without representation.

    As a resident of the county I don’t really have any say whatsoever over anything that passes in the city.

    At least a city resident can vote, be it on a ballot measure or who is on the council.

  6. Steve says - Posted: February 19, 2011

    County Residents Beware of DMV rip-off! As an El Dorado County resident, I recently registered a “new” vehicle at our local DMV. They over-taxed me by .5% using the South Lake Tahoe 96150 rate. This over-charge added up to over $120. I had to go back to DMV and fill out their “special” form that states that I live in the county and not in the city. The refund check from DMV is “in the mail”.