K’s Kitchen: Super Bowl worthy dip

By Kathryn Reed

Something showed up in my kitchen. And it’s not a good thing.

k's kitchenThat something is a full bag of potato chips.

“The last time we had a bag I completely missed out on those,” Sue said when I asked about the unopened bag that just appeared.

You see, I don’t often eat potato chips. But I love them. Oh, that crunch, the salt. Sometimes it’s the flavored ones like vinegar or the Hawaiian style that keep my jaw in motion.

The problem is I don’t know how to eat a handful. I know how to eat a bagful. Yes, really. It’s awful. Awfully good, to tell you the truth.

I can pass on the baked kind. Let’s be real. If you are going to be bad, be bad. Baked potato chips are as silly as low-fat ice cream. What’s the point?

It’s good to identify your compulsions. My way to avoid a spike in my cholesterol count and clogging my arteries is to not buy potato chips except on those rare days when I’m at the grocery store shopping while I’m hungry.

Sometimes the bag doesn’t make it in the house. This is why I received a stern reprimand of sorts from Sue. “They are not to be opened until the weekend.”


Apparently there is some football game on that she wants to watch because she is a Steelers fan. Being a Dolphins fan, it’s been years since I’ve watched football past December.

A dip I like with chips and veggies is an ideal crowd pleaser for things like Super Bowls. It comes from my friend Carol, who is like a second mom to me. It’s best if it’s made the day before so the flavors meld.

Dilly Dip

1 C mayonnaise

1 C sour cream

2¼ tsp dill weed

Onion and garlic salt to taste

Mix all the ingredients. Chill a few hours.