Lahontan creates new rules for construction sites

Lahontan Water Board staff has drafted a revised General Storm Water Construction Permit for construction and land disturbance activities in the Lake Tahoe Basin. People disturbing more than 1 acre must obtain coverage under this general permit by submitting application materials to Lahontan for review. The revised permit contains new requirements for monitoring storm events at construction sites.

Lahontan is hosting two informational workshops its office at 2501 Lake Tahoe Blvd., South Lake Tahoe. The two, two-hour workshops are Feb. 10 starting at 10am and 3pm.

The tentative permit may be found at the Water Board’s website.

Comments on the tentative permit are due to Lahontan by Feb. 26. The board anticipates considering adoption of the permit at its April 13-14 meeting in South Lake Tahoe. Questions regarding this permit may be directed to Bud Amorfini, Engineering Geologist at (530) 542.5463.