Tahoe residents begin digging out
The National Weather Service in Reno has released snow totals for the greater Lake Tahoe area.
Here are some results:
• Heavenly Valley – 18 inches last 24 hours; 30 inches in 48 hours

More than a shovel will be needed to reach the front door of this house on Venice Drive in South Lake Tahoe. Photo/Kathryn Reed
• Homewood – 20 inches in 24 hours; 40 inches in 48 hours
• Carson City – 3 inches in 24 hours; 12 inches 48 hours
• Squaw Valley – 20 inches in 24 hours; 38 inches in 48 hours;
• Kings Beach – 18 inches in 24 hours; 24 inches in 48 hours
• Reno – 11 inches in 48 hours.
Expect the cold to stay around for the better part of next week in the Lake Tahoe Basin. The wind will be picking up too. Snow is likely on Tuesday and Wednesday.
— Lake Tahoe News staff report
Don’t count on the home owners insurance…if you a flat roof…build before 55 ,you should use some common sense ,shovel Half off for the snow load, also prevents freeze backs that creeps in gets the sheet rock (wet on the back side)some funky smell(mold) when summer comes rolls around.CAN CAUSE ALLERGIES,EYE IRRATION,FLU LIKE SICKNESS.
You can tell the smart home owners, they got with the program already done this.
Being lazy in snow country can cost you more than you would ever want pay, think.
Take the money you save, go to the islands of your choice instead spending it on outrageous contractors fees..
When you notice doors squeaks, windows hard to open..This is a warning sign….
The weight of snow varies greatly. Light fluffy snow may only weigh about seven pounds per cubic foot. More average snow may weigh 15 pounds per cubic foot and drifted compacted snow may weigh 20 pounds or more…”
Let’s figure this out…
There are 7.48 gallons per cubic foot of water – that’s about 62.4 pounds.
For Wet Snow
Let’s say wet snow would be equivalent to 1″ of rain or 5″ of snow, you would get a resulting 62.4/5 = 12.5 pounds.
For Light, Fluffy Snow
Let’s say fluffy snow would be equivalent to 2.5″ of water and 12″ snow, you would get 62.4/12 = 5.2 pounds
When you add up all the squares on your home roof, there’s literally tons of weight on you.
Excellent info, HTMaLiT!
As you shovel the roof, you can jump off of it for some extra fun. If you shovel some of the snow into one area you can make a nice igloo. The snow you removed from the roof should be more dense and pack harder, making for a safe structure.
no problems down here
Dear Hardtomakealiving
I believe there is a math error in your calculations of the weight of wet and dry snow based on the numbers given. Possible you meant 1 to 12 for dry snow and 2 to 12 for wet snow, then the weight does approximately work out.