I-80 reopens; weather has businesses in Tahoe closing early
Updated: Feb. 25 4:03pm.
The South Lake Tahoe Recreation & Swim Pool Complex will be closed by 6:30 tonight. Evening lap and water exercise are canceled for tonight, so the pool will close at 4:30pm.
Parents Night Out is also canceled for tonight.

Traffic on Highway 50 in South Tahoe the afternoon of Feb. 25 is light, but some need help. Photo/Kathryn Reed
Call the front desk at (530) 542.6056 if you have any questions. The complex is expected to open Saturday at 9am.
Aramark has canceled boat cruises and snowmobile operations for Friday.
Interstate 80 reopened about4pm. First it was closed because of a small avalanche that did not trap vehicles; then because of whiteouts.
This from the Douglas County Sheriff’s Office at 3pm, “The closure of Highway 395 near Muller Lane in Minden will continue until approximately 6pm. This time frame is based on an estimate from NV Energy on time required for repair crews to switch transmission lines to reroute power and to remove disabled power cables from the roadway.”
This in from Curtis Fong, Lake Tahoe News’ ski reporter, “Most all resorts are closed due to high winds and snow. Call ahead.” He also reports as of 12:40pm highways 431, 80 and 88 are closed.
Squaw Valley at 3pm was reporting 3 feet of snow in the last 24 hours. Alpine Meadows’ total snow accumulation is 130 percent of the 40-year average with 17-feet having fallen this season.
Bank of the West in South Lake Tahoe and El Dorado Savings throughout the Tahoe region will be closing at 3pm Friday.
Lake Tahoe Community College is closing at 1pm.
El Dorado County sent its non-essential employees home home early Friday afternoon.
This from the Nevada governor’s office, “Due to the significant snowfall and the potential for hazardous traveling conditions, non-essential state employees have been sent home early and state offices will be closing this afternoon. This release affects Carson City, Douglas, Storey, Lyon and Washoe counties. Affected employees will be granted administrative leave.
“Because the governor is in Washington, D.C., he consulted with Acting Governor Brian Krolicki who directed this action be taken.”
AAA in Carson City and Damonte-Reno offices close at 4pm.
Friday night’s Tahoe Derby Dames’ scrimmage is canceled.
According to the Sacramento Bee at 3:20pm, “In El Dorado County, 24 outages affecting more than 500 people were reported, and in Placer County more than 5,000 people were without power.”
— Lake Tahoe News staff report
LTCC is closing the entire campus at 1:00PM. Check the college web site latter tonight to see if the campus will be open on Saturday, 2/26/2011.
It might have been a nice gesture if Sierra had posted the fact that Rock Garden was going to be the only lift open this morning on their web site instead of letting people brave the summit for NO REASON. Thanks for the communication, guys!
You just have to know the right places to look, http://www.facebook.com/#!/SierraAtTahoe
They had a steady stream of updates on their facebook page, since social media is infinitiely easier to perform multiple and quick updates as compared to updating a website.
I agree, I have had facebook open most of the day while working from home during the storm and all local resorts, KTHO, Lake Tahoe News, Howie Nave and other sources have been posting frequent updates. It is much easier to post to facebook than to change a webpage. You can also get email alerts from your favorite resort-frequent updates.