California boosts traffic fines to help budget
By Jim Sanders, Sacramento Bee
Justin Jachens learned of California’s soaring traffic penalties when he got slapped for a red-light violation.
Ticketed drivers have been squeezed hard during the budget crisis, perhaps because few complain until they get fined – then it’s too late.
“We’re the ones taking the brunt for everything,” said Jachens, 21, a student at California State University, Sacramento. “It’s outrageous.”
Jachens was nabbed by a red-light camera for not making a complete stop at the intersection of Watt Avenue and Fair Oaks Boulevard. Three years ago, the offense would have cost Jachens $371.
Now it’s $470.
In Germany, they drive fast. But they will lock up their brakes at the sight of a yellow light. I want to see more enforcement on people who do not use their blinkers. Signal your intent on the road, it is not that hard.
The police should pull people over for acting stupid.
Anyone who has been around for a while has seen the aversion to raising taxes, while the addition of “fees” to just about everything has increased. I would compare it to airline travel. The city is now considering paid parking, which will likely cost more to administer and maintain than they calculate, resulting in negative revenue and vandalism. Yet another boondoogle. Think parking structure at Heavenly Village.
As far as wanting the police to pull people over for acting stupid, who will be defining “stupid”? Be careful what you ask for. There are lots of people who think that giant, land-yacht SUVs, driven around by soccer moms are stupid.
Water yachts are better.