Exercise to train crews to fight wildland fire on Hwy. 50

If you notice a large number of public safety units on Spooner Summit on Friday, don’t be alarmed – it’s a drill.

The planned scenario will simulate that a small brush fire has started alongside Highway 50, approximately halfway up the grade to Spooner Summit from the Carson City side. It will be simulated that the fire has occurred during a dry August, and therefore brush fuels will be extremely susceptible to combustion.

Afternoon winds have complicated containment of the fire, causing it to quickly expand. The fire then starts burning downhill toward Clear Creek Road. At a particular point in the scenario the fire will “jump” across the highway, further expanding complexity of the event by simulating requirement for closure of Highway 50 and evacuation of residences in danger.

Douglas County Emergency Management and Sierra Front Wildland Fire Cooperators are putting on the training.

The event is designed to exercise inter-agency involvement during a large-scale manmade or natural disaster utilizing the federally mandated National Incident Management System.

Numerous public safety agencies will participate in the event, including East Fork Fire and Paramedic District, Tahoe-Douglas Fire District, Carson City Fire Department, U.S. Forest Service, U.S. Bureau of Land Management, Nevada Division of Forestry, Douglas County Sheriff’s Office, Nevada Highway Patrol, Nevada Department of Transportation, and numerous public utility companies.