Former South Tahoe official interim Reno city manager


Publisher’s note: Sue Schlerf  is a former assistant city manager of South Lake Tahoe.

By Susan Voyles, Reno Gazette-Journal

Practicing what it had just preached, the Reno City Council today rejected an offer from one assistant city manager to serve as interim manager for the next six months after he wanted a raise for the extra work and instead picked the other assistant to fill the post for about a month.

Susan Schlerf, an 8-year employee, said she would consider only a brief appointment because she is getting married soon. She replaces Donna Dreska, who announced her intent to resign Feb. 18.

Mayor Bob Cashell proposed John Hester be named as interim director for six months and be paid $23,000 more than his $172,800 salary. That also would be more than what Dreska was paid.

“I think that’s too much,” Councilman Dave Aiazzi said.

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Comments (10)
  1. Parker says - Posted: March 1, 2011

    So Reno City Managers make what South Tahoe City Mgrs. make? Isn’t Reno maybe just a little bigger than Tahoe? Oh, but I bet Reno’s Managers didn’t get a 30% raise a few years ago?!

  2. Passion4Tahoe says - Posted: March 1, 2011

    The City of Reno is very fortunate to have someone as highly qualified as Sue Schlerf to step in on an interim basis. I had the pleasure of working with her for seventeen years – she’s wonderful!

  3. KINKYLOVER says - Posted: March 1, 2011

    Won’t be the last one to leave tahoe..

  4. tahoeadvocate says - Posted: March 1, 2011

    those salaries sound outlandishly high.

  5. Tahoan25 says - Posted: March 1, 2011

    Sue wasn’t even offered an interview before tony o got the job. Here was a knowledgeable gal and ‘our’ consultants missed the mark. Don’t you all notice the Vail connection going on all over town, buying up timeshares, Sports LTD and a cushy spot in city government.

  6. dumbfounded says - Posted: March 2, 2011

    “I think that’s too much,” Councilman Dave Aiazzi said. Finally, a little common sense.

    If our city management makes anywhere near $ 175,000 in a city where the average income is around $ 40,000, something is really wrong. This is why governments are going broke. We just can’t afford these salaries.

  7. X LOCAL says - Posted: March 2, 2011

    Sue Schlerf is one of the best people I have ever known. She new the City very well and was respected by all who ever worked with her, A great loss for the City. The City blew it when they hired O’Rourke and didn’t even interview Sue.
    I wish the best for Sue and her soon to be husband Steve.

  8. Alex Campbell says - Posted: March 2, 2011

    I recall her name change to Donnelly.
    Thinking back Sue was part and parcel of Miller Time. She has to know where the bodies are buried.
    I do recall her covering for those local’s with insider information standing on line for building permits before the announcement was made .It was really funny.
    Another joke was interviewing Kerry concerning a Grand Jury complaint, he asked that Sue sit in because of her knowledge. Sue was not on our interview list,we knew Kerry would not have much to add to our investigation so we let her in.

    I wonder if Sue can solve the insider mystery of who authorized the redevelopment loan of $1,000,000. I doubt that Sue would desire the SLT job along with the good old boy and his retred.

  9. X LOCAL says - Posted: March 2, 2011

    Alex Campbell
    You are a Jerk with a capitol J

  10. Alex Campbell says - Posted: March 3, 2011

    X Show a little hubris, name please.