Looking for students to learn about Lake Tahoe issues
Dear South Lake community,
This coming spring quarter at LTCC I will be teaching GSE 103, Lake Tahoe Issues and Agencies. I believe each of you is familiar with the class, but, in short, it is a survey course of the many agencies and organizations in Lake Tahoe, coupled with the issues affecting the Tahoe community and environment. The class is being offered on Mondays from 6-9pm, starting April 4 and lasting the length of the quarter (excluding Memorial Day).
The last two weeks in the quarter are reserved for student presentations.
I am writing you for your help in getting the word out about this class to you, your friends, colleagues, employees, or anyone who may be new to the Tahoe area and wants to get a handle on what’s around them. The class needs 12 students to “go.” Currently seven are enrolled.
I look forward to seeing you in April.
Thank you,
Dan Sussman, Lake Tahoe Community College instructor