Prosperity Center designed to create economic paradise


By Kathryn Reed

“Oh, think twice. It’s just another day for you and me in paradise. Just think about it.”

prosperity logoIs the Lake Tahoe Basin really paradise?

• Latest unemployment figure for South Lake Tahoe is 17.4 percent

• 7,000 jobs in gaming have been lost since 1990

• The basin lost 15 percent of its population from 2000 to 2008

• 80 percent of the basin’s Latino population lives at the poverty level

• Hotel room occupancy was at 23 percent in 2008-09

• 17.7 percent of the residents in South Lake Tahoe lived below the poverty line in 2008

• In 12 years the South Shore K-12 enrollment declined 35 percent

• 26.4 percent of children under 18 live below the poverty line.

On the flip side, based on 2007 statistics, the Lake Tahoe Basin generated $4.7 billion in revenues.

Lake Tahoe’s built environment does not match its natural beauty. Infrastructure is decaying or non-existent. Jobs are dwindling. The middle class barely has a heartbeat.

To combat the issues identified above and to bring a sense of place to the basin, the Prosperity Center is scheduled to open May 1. Offices will be on the North and South shores, with the idea the space will be donated for the greater good.

The Lake Tahoe Basin Prosperity Plan has been in the works for a couple years, with the government bodies around the lake, chambers of commerce, education, health care providers, tourism interests and others forming the plan that is designed to be an economic blueprint for the entire basin, including Truckee.

Michael Ward, project manager for the LTBPP, has been working for free as facilitator. He’s been making presentations around the lake, with the latest before the South Tahoe Public Utility District board last week.

He showed a video, mostly in black and white, which was a bit chilling. As the song “Another Day in Paradise” played, images of despair throughout the basin were shown – boarded up businesses, for rent signs, people living in squalor, slides with sobering statistics.

Then the last image was in color – a panoramic view of Lake Tahoe. It was taken from a distance, as though to obscure the reality when one looks closer, beyond the lake and the trees.

“I think we can help broker opportunities,” Ward told Lake Tahoe News after the meeting. The goal is to have a homegrown economy based on what is working and not importing industry that doesn’t exist.

During the research phase it was discovered that two-thirds of the basin’s economy is from three areas – tourism and visitor services, environmental innovation, and health and wellness. Those sectors will be the focus of the Prosperity Center.

A reason to take a regional approach is grant dollars are more readily doled out to larger groups working on a common goal than to individual entities doing so. Plus, this should mean entities in the basin would not be competing against each other for the same dollars.

Ironically, the South Tahoe PUD knows all about a regional approach when it comes to federal dollars. The district joined forces with other water districts in the basin a few years ago, which has paid dividends.

Other reasons for the regional approach are the problems are similar as are the interests.

To date the five counties and one city that make up the Lake Tahoe Basin have put in a total of $125,000 into the project. This money is for matching funds for Economic Development Administration grants, some of which have already been secured.

The Prosperity Center, though expected to open in six weeks, cannot do so until its nonprofit status is secure. In the interim, the Parasol Foundation in Incline Village is acting as conduit for grants in the center’s name.

A board of directors, though not named yet, is likely to be large and made up of representatives from many of the entities that worked on the plan. It could be comprised of a couple dozen people.

Ward said the idea to have it be a comprehensive board.

From there, advisory committees will be formed to get down to the nitty gritty.

“We have five or six initiatives we think will be game changers,” Ward said.

Bringing broadband to the basin is one goal. The idea is current residents and businesses will benefit from it, but it will also attract others to the area. Creating a regional sports commission is another immediate goal.

Ward did not want to elaborate too much until the center is a reality so as not to get into a legal quagmire.

More information about the Lake Tahoe Basin Prosperity Plan is on the group’s website.


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This article was written by admin


Comments (14)
  1. Dogwoman says - Posted: March 21, 2011

    ANOTHER government agency? For prosperity this time? They’ve all done so well destroying the citizens’ hopes for upward mobility in this town, why can’t we figure out that what we REALLY need is for the GOVERNMENT TO GET OUT OF OUR WAY?!?

  2. bob rockwell says - Posted: March 21, 2011

    Hello Kathryn,
    A well written article. As a 50 year resident of the South Shore, I’ve seen many changes come about since I was a little kid and most of them have not been good. I’m not to enthused about another “Agency” being formed but if it’s succseful in kickstarting our ecomony, I’m all for it.
    P.S, you’re doing a great job with Lake Tahoe News

  3. Monica says - Posted: March 21, 2011

    I think this is great. This is a group that can bring together all the pieces of the puzzle for the future growth of our area. Where else have we seen such collaboration between government, non-profit and commercial entities come to the table for the same cause? I’m optimistic.

  4. lou pierini says - Posted: March 21, 2011

    As a 30 year businessman Ive never heard of Mr. Ward and have done fine without him or grants. Grants aren’t free, most funds are wasted, again they are like riding the back of the tiger, don’t fall off. All small business will fail when the grant money runs out. This is more style than any substance.

  5. Perry R. Obray says - Posted: March 21, 2011

    I have seen the public meetings explaining these issues. I feel that having the information on the evolution of the socioeconomic status of Lake Tahoe is of value that the meetings provided. They even identify growth/possible growth areas for people to evaluate.

    One thing to whine about the economy, another to identify the variables and provide possible solutions.

  6. DAVID DEWITT says - Posted: March 21, 2011


  7. Dogwoman says - Posted: March 21, 2011

    RAOTFLMAO @ David!

  8. KINKYLOVER says - Posted: March 21, 2011

    It’s past midnight here,Tahoe is no Paradise,it can’t compare to some places on earth that have affordable prices,hotels, great Transportation,both by air, water,road,Food,booze,cooked fresh from the oceans waters,rum right from the kegs,shops you can afford a tee short or nice designer shirt,pair swimming goggles,fins,and happy people who don’t know how treat you snobbish.
    Happy friendly people.They even open doors for you.
    I love the rustic huts on the white sands,pig cooked in the ground,and torches, lights up, down, the main street.

    Our town insane with too much ego,the leaders are not respected ,the once friendly town become too desperate to survive the failed commercial mess ,A lot the love has disappeared.
    I think the out town visitors got fed up with both the laws, and the gouging,long stressful ride there in bad weather that last too long,too many ordinances.There’s so many hateful locals that fight among themselves,nothing gets done.A few people in city Hall stole our general fund that was suppose to be for the good of our local residents ,gambled it on a bunch self agendas so few could reap the wealth, left the rest of us standing in disappointment’s.
    It take a long ,long long time to repair this.
    We trusted the wrong bunch, nothing changed,It’s a once beautiful lady who finally lost her respect, looks,wealth,starving for the laughter she once knew when the romance of tomorrow was today.

  9. John Roos says - Posted: March 24, 2011

    Think PROSPERITY! Great idea – now let’s see some tangible results!

  10. care4community says - Posted: March 24, 2011

    Kinkylover may be all washed up, but Tahoe is not. Contribute instead of complaining, judging and comparing? Tahoe is what you make of it. Tahoe is world renowned as God’s Country.

  11. KINKYLOVER says - Posted: March 24, 2011

    4:58 PM
    Friday, March 25, 2011
    Standard Time +1200 UTC

    Right ,maybe I seeing your name read careless4community because you sure got your work cut out.
    You’ll be 6 feet under before they correct the fouls up there.
    While your still reading the paper work the others will be on the road to prosperity while you figure out which ways up or down in the holes to no where.
    Face it, you know how pick a hole in the ground, which one is yours?
    I have to say the biggest hole fits your Golden idol.
    Believe me ,God could care less about community screw ups,let me see you get down in that big crater pray for developer.
    The country we there long after your light goes out between your ears.
    Now if you’ll excuse me,I must be on my way.
    Carefor are you ready for some Sammy Hagar?
    Come on down shake it in the south shore room,it be fun.

  12. lou pierini says - Posted: March 26, 2011

    Let it go and watch it grow.

  13. lou pierini says - Posted: March 27, 2011

    care4 where is your sunshine?