S. Tahoe council to discuss Heavenly Village agreement

By Kathryn Reed

At the last South Lake Tahoe City Council meeting, Bruce Grego asked for an item to be on the March 15 agenda that would address whether the city should continue being a member of PADMA.

The city councilman referenced the March 17, 2010, letter the city sent to the Park Avenue Development Maintenance Association board saying the city intended to withdraw from the agreement as of Jan. 1, 2011. City Manager Tony O’Rourke extended that date in an attempt to work with PADMA to revise the agreement.

Although the letter signed by City Attorney Patrick Enright from a year ago outlines irregularities and legal problems with the 30-year contract, it is still a contract that cannot just be nullified just because a different council has been seated from when the document was signed in 2002.

PADMA officials have agreed to look at the contract and possibly offer concessions to the city in return for in-kind help such as relief with the parking garage fees and assistance with bringing events to Heavenly Village.

The council meets March 15 at 9am at Lake Tahoe Airport. The PADMA board next meets April 18.