Tahoe Tails — Adoptable Pets in South Lake Tahoe

Dudley is only 12 weeks old, and he is very sweet.

This dogĀ is very special, as he is deaf, so he will need a very patient owner who is willing to teach him sign language.

dogHe needs to have a well-fenced yard at his new home and needs to be an on leash only due to his disability.

Any family interested in Dudley should do some research about training deaf dogs before coming to meet him.

Dudley is neutered, microchipped, and vaccinated. He is at the El Dorado County Animal Services shelter in Meyers, along with many other dogs and cats who are waiting for their new homes.

Call (530) 573.7925 for directions, hours, and other information on adopting a pet. For spay-neuter assistance for South Tahoe residents, go online.

–Susan Baumflek