‘Vagina Monologues’ captivates sold-out audience
By Kathryn Reed
It was a night of laughter. It was a night of tears. It was a night of reflection. It was a night of contemplation. It was a night of healing.
It was a night about vaginas.
Eve Ensler’s play “The Vagina Monologues” came to life Saturday night at the Loft at Blue Angel Café in South Lake Tahoe before a crowd of well more than 100 people.

Jen Gurecki brought "Vagina Monologues" to South Lake Tahoe eight years ago and continues to be an integral player. Photo/Kathryn Reed
This collection of stories about women touches on lives young and old, straight and lesbian, married and single, all colors, races and religions.
Their stories are about their relationships with their vaginas and how this has made them the women they are today.
A little Lake Tahoe was added to the segment about what women call their vaginas. For those on the North Shore it’s “sugar bowl” and on the South Shore it’s called “heavenly”.
V-Day is a global activist movement to stop violence against women and girls.
This is the eighth year South Lake Tahoe women have come together to present a benefit production. Money raised goes to CASA, South Lake Tahoe Women’s Center, Tahoe Youth & Family Service, and South Lake Tahoe Family Resource Center.
Each year a Vagina Warrior is honored for her dedication to the cause of making the lives of women better. Wendy David was the recipient March 5.
So glad the VM was able to capture the attentin of the audience. The message had real teeth in it. Biting commentary of comtemporary life. Congratulations Wendy on being the Vagina Warrior. Hope to congratulate you in person someday for the honor of being the Vagina Warrior.
Really? They talk about vaginas to stop violence against women? Come on. This is so much modern feminist garbage. I know plenty of women that don’t need to talk about their vaginas to have “self-respect” and not have violence in their lives.
Your vaginas don’t define you, ladies. Your actions do.
Leslie, perhaps you should spend a bit of time investigating not only “The Vagina Monologues,” but V-Day itself. It is unfortunate that you have such distaste for something that has brought such an incredible amount of healing and power to women and communities around the world. I believe that if you gained a deeper understanding of V-Day, you may actually have a different perspective. And maybe you wouldn’t, but my hope is that women, regardless of their opinions about art and healing, would be able to support one another rather than engage in divisive rhetoric.
Maybe Jen yuou should read some of Cristina Hoff Sommers writings on “The Vagina Monologues.” She writes very well with a different, but well reasoned critique. It may will give you a new perspective.
If nothing else, it will open up a whole new way to look at the so-called play.
The play as original written had a lesbian rape scene or seduction, if you will, of a minor. If you believe the ends justify the means don’t, but the loss will be yours.
For those of you that may be uncomfortable reading and talking about vaginas – that’s the whole point. Why are we? Men have no issues talking about their bodies. Until only recently, ALL medicine focused on the male body, including treatment of females. V-Day is all about awareness, and empowerment. Most of all, it is a movement to stop violence against women. The scene that you refer to, “Irony” is a true account of a woman that was interviewed. She’s sharing a harsh reality about what was her truth. And, unfortumately, she is not alone. The play certainly does not promote these things, but brings them to light so that those who have had similar experiences may feel less alone, and those who are fortunate to have not, may help in doing something to stop them from happening.
If you feel that it was wrong for a young girl, a minor to have been seduced by an adult, would you take those feelings and put them into action & making positive change? I would.
Well said Jen! V-day has and continues to bring aid, hope, and healing to thousands of men, women and children across the world. We all have different ways in which we give back to those in need. Perhaps spending more time researching those issues, instead of making uninformed remarks about others good deeds, would be a better use of one’s time and resources. And how about the several thousand dollars raised for the Tahoe community! Fantastic! Bravo to everyone involved!
Maybe we need “P day” ,so “v day” doesn’t get too lonely?
All camels need good jockeys,tender loving,hugs,kisses,forgiveness,good communication,sharing,protection, no matter who you are.
Women and men are equal ,each sex has responsibilities for the human race to survive (god)(nature)(evolution)made two, so the other wouldn’t get lonely..
There’s nothing in the whole world that better than a great relationship with whom you share you true self with, regardless of match or sex.
Bravo to Jen and all of the women who have raised awareness of domestic & sexual violence/assault/abuse in the South Lake Tahoe community through the production of Vagina Monologues! Before Eve Ensler interviewed women throughout the world who were raped in war (a tragic common occurrence in war everywhere), abused in their homes, etc, and brought these stories to the public, too many women suffered in silence and shame, not realizing how many other women have suffered the same fate. The show has helped to make me more aware, and I learn something new every time I see it. As the father of a young daughter, I’m grateful for everyone who is helping to bring abuse out of the shadows, so that the epidemic can be addressed and stopped. The show isn’t “modern feminist garbage”, Leslie, it is a brave telling of a sad and tragic truth, in hopes that that telling will bring healing to victims, and prevention of future victims. The actions of Jen and others involved in Vagina Monologues define them indeed, in the most commendable of ways. Thank you!
Tahoe Dad, thank you for your insights, I don’t think I could have said it any better. And KinkyLover, we agree & love loving, supportive, caring men. Chris Taylor, the guitarist who played music during the intermission, wore a “I’m your Bob” pin, signifying that he’s a man that will love, honor, and respect females. From one woman’s story, “Bob” was described as “in awe” of the feminine. =)