1 week until Upper Truckee Marsh is off-limits to dogs

By Kathryn Reed

It’s the afternoon of April 22 at the Upper Truckee Marsh in South Lake Tahoe. Four dogs — two are leashed, two unleashed. This high percentage of unleashed dogs is what has led the California Tahoe Conservancy — the landowner — to issue an edict banning all dogs for three months beginning May 1.

On Friday, the dogs were being encouraged to run toward the riparian habitat to chase a ball. As the foursome walked toward the lake the people were yelling at the dogs — clearly not in control of their two dogs.

Two dogs are encouraged to run free April 22 in the Upper Truckee Marsh. Photos/Kathryn Reed

Two dogs are encouraged to run free April 22 in the Upper Truckee Marsh. Photos/Kathryn Reed

The two other people with one dog each on leash exchanged comments about how it’s too bad the responsible dog owners are being punished for the acts of others. They both agreed this area is no longer fun to visit in the summer because of the unruly nature of humans and canines.

For now, not all of the meadow is accessible because the water is in the backyards of some residences.

Trout Creek is visible, but only because that’s where the water is running the fastest. Otherwise, its banks have disappeared.

The CTC may have an item about the dog ban on its May 19 agenda. People can always comment on items not on the agenda.

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