Carson City man has plan to save American Flat


By Frank X. Mullen Jr., Reno Gazette-Journal

Neal A. Dach admits he has no background in developing tourist attractions.

The Carson City native is a former Army bomb detection and disposal specialist, an Iraq war veteran and a graduate student in neuroscience at Harvard University. But when it comes to the historic American Flat ruin near Virginia City, he has one major question:

If millions of dollars of taxpayers’ money are going to be spent on the 52-acre site, should they be used to turn the area into a revenue-generating tourist attraction or to blast it from the face of the earth?

“Demolishing the United Comstock Merger Mill devalues Nevada history,” said Dach of the U.S. Bureau of Land Management’s plan to turn the 89-year-old complex of eight buildings back into a sagebrush desert.

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Comments (19)
  1. Terry Kotrc says - Posted: June 11, 2011

    It is a beautiful historic landmark. I was there today. 6/11/2011

    I do not believe that it is lawful to tear down a historic landmark.

    People know that there are holes in the floor and crumbling concrete all around.
    It’s dangerous you must be careful.
    We could have the signs say it’s dangerous and that the government is not liable. I thought this place was awesome.

  2. Marianna Barry says - Posted: December 15, 2011

    I agree we shouldn’t tear down or destroy any natural resources. Life and nature are vanishing and should be treated as precious commodities.

  3. Terry A Kotrc says - Posted: February 6, 2012

    “Demolishing the United Comstock Merger Mill devalues Nevada history,” said Dach of the U.S. Bureau of Land Management’s plan to turn the 89-year-old complex of eight buildings back into a sagebrush desert. Besides, taxpayers can just blow up their crap at Burningman. Just keep the beautiful beast says Terry.

  4. Marianna Barry says - Posted: February 17, 2012

    Our history is what makes us who we are. The United Comstock Merger Mill is a Historical landmark and very interesting to see. Why continue to keep destroying the evidence of our past and the way life was once? Let what is to remain be.

  5. Marianna Barry says - Posted: February 20, 2012

    The site is weathered and used for graffitti and partying but should be perserved and protected. It is history and mining gold and silver were what first brought the early pioneers to the west coast.

  6. terry says - Posted: February 25, 2012

    I’ve heard some stories of parties and generations of celebration at this old abandoned millsite. Who decides whos memories are more valuable? dragged down by the stone, oh “Floyd”

  7. comfortably dumb says - Posted: February 25, 2012

    American Flat is an impressive historical site, both in size and in the amount of graffiti. There are ample and spectacular ways to kill yourself here, and many have tried. Someone was even killed trying to ride his ATV on the stairs. Any normal person would realize the age and condition of the place and take necessary precautions, but because of a few nutcases- and the fact that the location has been used for alcohol-fueled and narcotic get-togethers for many years, accidents are bound to happen if you do something stupid.
    “I go there just to do stupid things, so I be care full and try not for any accidents. Salvia Divinorum comes from the Sage. As Eugene carefully plays his axe. And a little extra fun when the moon is full” Tbone

  8. grandpa terry says - Posted: March 11, 2012

    Back in 2002 Cody and I actually bought and brought our own paint. I could never find where we painted. I don’t think I was there with him again. Cody called today. I miss him. Back then you could drive around in the main building. Or start a big fire in the concrete rubble.
    Come spring I recon We’ll make our annual pilgramage and direct our migrating motorcycle patterns towards The American Flat & Virginia City

  9. Marianna Barry says - Posted: March 12, 2012

    to grandpa terry, we should talk. Would love to know more about the motorcyle paths. I was taught to ride when I was 15 years old by my first true love have alwasy had it an adventure in my blood.

  10. grandpa terry says - Posted: March 13, 2012

    the moderaters took out my graphic response last night.
    Thanks for that adressed to Mari.

  11. grandpa terry says - Posted: March 13, 2012

    wouldn’t want to dedicate a kiss and a to my grandaughter and Eddy and in the name of .. Why take out my posts? to Mari
    skype me…

  12. grandpa terry says - Posted: March 13, 2012

    flat talk ; physical graphiti

  13. grandpa terry says - Posted: March 13, 2012

    i have the sweetest animal. he did not eat his taco. but, he is so beautiful, and i love him a lot.
    The American Flat should not be destroyed. Top five answers;





  14. grandpa terry says - Posted: March 13, 2012

    Free month if you reply…

    all inclusive . The most quiet Millsite EVER!!

    pictures when everyone smiles continualesly


    and breath

  15. Mari Barry says - Posted: March 14, 2012

    Nevada is a big and beautiful state. You can hide away in the mountains or the dessert. Still don’t know where you are.

  16. grandpa terry says - Posted: March 14, 2012

    One can come upon an oasis with hot and cold springs complete with vegitation in the mid of miles and miles of dry rocky sage brushed playa out in the vast Nevada deserts. Although they are not really hidden. I too are out in the open and easy to find. I live in Reno, but have become a bit of a desert rat.
    Kiss all the kids for me Mari, as I won’t be able to. Especially my granddaughter and Eddy.
    goodness always,

  17. Marianna Barry says - Posted: March 14, 2012

    Maybe one day, who knows. Are u still using burningman09 ? would really like a private conversation. I really enjoyed our last one and was sorry we haven’t talked since. I haven’t been to Reno in about 2.5 years though I was in Tahoe a few weeks ago. It is still and always will be beautiful. The mountains call my name. Always wish you love and peace. Forever in my heart.

  18. grandpa terry says - Posted: March 14, 2012

    Mari Mari, hello to you and no I do not have the same addys. My life is pretty tangled. I just can’t explain. If you can do Skype we may be able to communicate. my screen name is Terry Allan Desert Rat.
    Those were kind words about learning to ride and first true love. Was for me too.
    You have always had a big heart. Like the mountains. peace

  19. Marianna Barry says - Posted: March 14, 2012

    email me and I will give you my number. I have skype but dont’ really use it, so I will need a lesson….<3