Federal government shutdown could disrupt lives of Californians


By Cassie Myers, California News Service

The Border Patrol would remain on duty, mail would be delivered, and Social Security checks should go out on time. But a looming government shutdown could stall tax refunds, close national parks and museums, and put tens of thousands of Californians temporarily out of work.

Stopgap measures have kept government operations going since the current budget year began Oct. 1. The latest measure expires at the end of Friday, and with Democrats and Republicans unable to reach an agreement, the White House has told agencies to begin planning for a shutdown on Saturday.

California has a huge population of federal workers, roughly 170,000 according to the U.S. Office of Personnel Management, nearly the same number as Washington itself.

Employees deemed essential, such as air traffic controllers, doctors at VA hospitals, border agents and military personnel, probably will remain on the job as they did during the last major shutdown in 1995. Others, such as Internal Revenue Service employees at 27 California locations, might find their offices closed on Monday.

None would be paid until the dispute is over, though essential employees are likely to be reimbursed with back pay.

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Comments (13)
  1. Gus says - Posted: April 7, 2011

    The article fails to mention that the budget is being held up over two issues, one of which is continued taxpayer funding for Planned Parenthood which performs more abortions than any other business in the country. I say stop the bloodshed now and stop giving my hard earned tax money to child killers!

  2. jeremy says - Posted: April 7, 2011

    2 issues? Really? That’s it? Maybe you didn’t notice but Glenn Beck was yanked from Fox News, so you’re going to have to actually read and listen to the “news” now to get your “facts”.

  3. Gus says - Posted: April 7, 2011

    CNN, USA Today, Politico, and several other mainstream networks are running this story (BTW the other issue is Greenhouse gas regulation). Sorry you felt compelled to flame me over my beliefs on the right to life. If you were born after 1973 then you are a survivor of the American abortion holocaust and are one of lucky 2 out of 3 who made it through alive. If you are African American, then you are even luckier. “The purpose in promoting birth control was to ‘create a race of thoroughbreds.'” –Margaret Sanger (founder of P Parenthood) published in Birth Control Review, nov. 1921.

  4. Joan Young says - Posted: April 8, 2011

    The uninformed and closed-minded think Planned Parenthood only performs abortions. Planned Parenthood exists to educate, treat and help girls as young as 14 who are pregnant, frightened, and have noone to turn to. They treat low-income women who can’t affordj an OB M.D. Men and women with sexually transmitted diseases are treated at low cost. Education, prevention and primary care is Planned Parenthood’s primary goal. Abortions are only performed on consenting women. How can you wish PP to be closed down when they do more good than harm? Open your eyes and become informed!

  5. dogwoman says - Posted: April 8, 2011

    PP does more good than harm to whom? The unborn children?
    If you want to support PP, you’re free to do so with your own money. But using my tax dollars to fund murder is criminal.

  6. dogwoman says - Posted: April 8, 2011

    Cancer screenings, women’s reproductive health, children’s health screenings, can all be accessed through our community clinic. They do a job there at little to no cost.
    The portrayal of PP as women’s health services is misleading at best. They were founded to provide abortions (and birth control) to minorities. It was and is racist if you really look at it truthfully.

  7. the conservation robot says - Posted: April 8, 2011

    That isn’t racist at all. The reality is that when women are enabled to have more control over their bodies, their quality of life increases. This has been documented many times in developing nations.
    So actually intentionally not reaching out to minorities to enable them to have control over their reproduction, would be racist.

  8. dogwoman says - Posted: April 8, 2011

    That is some seriously twisted logic, Robot. Regardless, it is not up to the government to be promoting murder in the form of abortion with anybody’s tax dollars.

  9. Really? says - Posted: April 8, 2011

    Soooooo, if planned parenthood went away and abortions were not allowed, (in addition to their many other contributions to society) how many cast aside kids would your tax dollars have to feed, clothe, educate, and otherwise raise because the maternal parents didn’t want to or couldn’t. Who do you think would be footing that bill? Your tax dollars and mine.

    Why do you think so many countries that do not support birth control in any form have huge population growth and no way to support their masses? Which is why they’re adopted to other more wealthy countries a lot of the time or die in terrible conditions. Meanwhile, since they have no control measures they continue to have babies.

    Overpopulation will be the downfall of humanity. And I believe that there are more people on the planet now than have died in the history of the planet. It’s a scientific fact. Look at the World Health Organization website or go to and check it out. This planet cannot support an unlimited amount of people. There just isn’t enough space, resources, food supply, or oxygen at this rate.

    But I’m just sayin’.

  10. localgirl says - Posted: April 8, 2011

    Our government promotes murder of thousands for our citizens and those of other countries by continuing to fight wars that we never should have started. But those lives don’t matter to many of the right wing.

  11. the conservation robot says - Posted: April 8, 2011

    No it isn’t. It is based on studies on the social impacts of enabling women to have control over their reproduction. Taking away that ability, based on economic status, which is correlated with race, is discrimination, giving more advantage to white people with money. That is reality.

  12. DAVID DEWITT says - Posted: April 10, 2011

    Women has always had control over her body all she has to say is NO. Boy will they ever come out of the wood work on that idea.

  13. sk says - Posted: July 13, 2011

    stop the payment of checks to the congressmen and women and the president and i bet a deal gets done