Graffiti mars rocks overlooking Emerald Bay


My brother and I went to Emerald Bay to say hi and remember my mother.

We found this. (See full photo below.) We were disgusted to find that someone graffitied the rocks facing Highway 50 and Eagle Falls.

The rocks overlooking Emerald Bay. Photo/Jerrad Lopez

The rocks overlooking Emerald Bay. Photo/Jerrad Lopez

My brother and I were born and raised here and have never seen such disrespect to this town. My parents were married in the courtyard and we will do anything it takes to get that off and not painted white like they do everything else.

— Evan Gordon

(Click on photo for full picture.)


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This article was written by admin


Comments (25)
  1. dogwoman says - Posted: April 15, 2011

    That is a shame. It appears from the photo that it’s near the Eagle Falls parking lot, where, in the past there have been numerous car break-ins and burglaries. I wonder if this was just random vandalism, or the marking of theives’ turf? Either way, Good People, keep your eyes peeled and let’s nail the little hoods.

  2. Jim Hildinger says - Posted: April 15, 2011

    To remove it I’ll help – just tell me when and what. JIm

  3. Bob says - Posted: April 15, 2011

    Saw it there last weekend while visiting the Vikingsholm area. More gangs moving into this area. We need to keep on top of this and remove graffitti immediately any time it is seen around town.

  4. Laurie Brazil says - Posted: April 15, 2011

    EB is our crowning jewel and so glad we are all taking a stand against this and the prolific littering of our beautiful Lake!!!

  5. dumbfounded says - Posted: April 15, 2011

    Is this vandalism or cultural diversity?

  6. Froggy says - Posted: April 15, 2011

    Wow, this needs to be removed. I am with Jim on this, post when and what to bring and I will help as well. USFS should be all over this.

    Total lack of respect.

  7. Lisa Huard says - Posted: April 15, 2011

    Our entire community must take part in protecting our town and its surroundings from graffiti, from drugs, from violence. Evan, thank you for doing something about this and bringing it to the attention of others. Too many times people just go by these incidences and “think”, “Oh, that’s too bad”. You did something about it. Thanks for not being a bystander in life.

  8. john barleycorn says - Posted: April 15, 2011

    Unbelievable, graffiti from Mars. I thought I saw a flying saucer the other evening.

  9. dogwoman says - Posted: April 15, 2011

    Before anybody does anything, we have to find out which agency has jurisdiction and then get their approval.
    I remember some years ago when a local artist (Lori was her name) tried to cover over grafitti at Cave Rock with some camoflage faux rock painting and she got into a world of trouble for trying to help.

  10. Billie Jo McAfee says - Posted: April 15, 2011

    This is like losing a nose from Mt. Rushmore! We are all saddened by this intentional act of vandalism. Tahoe’s beauty is marred on a daily basis by so many acts of thoughtlessness, but this is a real, in your face, lack of respect. I hope it won’t take long to rectify. Please do a follow up on how we can help, who we can call if we see something happening, what are the consequences of doing such an act of vandalism. Thank you for keeping us informed.

  11. Evan Gordon says - Posted: April 15, 2011

    Thank you all for your support, this is on the rocks over by the trail to go to the court yard, it is unacceptable and it will be removed. I won’t let this happen to our town, people come from all around the world to see the beauty not grafitti.

  12. Randy says - Posted: April 15, 2011

    Wow…terrible scar on one of the most beatiful places on our Planet. Lots of good ideas and energy here wanting to erase it. Anyone have the time to research who has authority on this land and contact them? Let’s keep this post active!

    And Hey “DUMBfounded”…the answer is VANDALISM. “Cultural diversity??? What? Seriously? WTF?

  13. Tahoan25 says - Posted: April 15, 2011

    what do we expect when power company boxes are legally being covered by graffeti and being praised for it. If the natural beauty of Mother Earth isn’t enough, then morons stay home. And once they’re caught prosecute them beyond the max and make an example of them.

  14. II know says - Posted: April 15, 2011

    Randy I agree with you about DUMB…FOUNDED…

  15. jman says - Posted: April 15, 2011

    Who owns public space?

  16. Lake Tahoe Crime Free Programs says - Posted: April 15, 2011

    We are in contact with the Tahoma California Parks and Recreation Office. You have to apply for a permit to have this removed. They were unaware that this was here. This type of activity must not be tolerated. Thank you to the 64 participants in the “Crime Free Multi-Housing Program” who are taking an active stand to keep illegal activity off their properties and out of our community. If you are an owner or manager of rental property contact us to be a part of this pro-active community program. DO NOT GLORIFY these taggers by putting their vandalism in the newspaper!

  17. DAVID DEWITT says - Posted: April 15, 2011

    LET TRPA handle this maybe it will keep them busy and they can do something constructive for a change.

  18. TahoeKaren says - Posted: April 15, 2011

    I do believe that the comment from “dumbfounded” was totally tongue-in-cheek. I speak sarcasm so I got it.

  19. Lake Tahoe Crime Free Programs says - Posted: April 16, 2011

    UPDATE: We contacted El Dorado County Sheriff’s Department for extra patrol they weren’t aware of the tagging; Contacted CA State Parks Dispatch center @ 916-358-1300 they are contacting the park rangers in that area to see who we need to talk to; they will be calling us back; he confirmed we do need a permit because it is a State Park. I’ll keep you posted. (More phone calls wouldn’t hurt!) I identified myself as Lake Tahoe Crime Free Programs…Come on community….let’s get this cleaned up. Our facebook page has several members willing to go remove this….asap.

  20. admin says - Posted: April 16, 2011

    This is California State Parks property. They will be handling the removal of the graffiti, according to LTN sources. It is not something for citizens to handle.

    For one, the use of solvents could present water quality issues.

    Second, though it is public property, there are proper channels for how this should and will be handled, no matter how well-meaning everyone is.

    Kathryn Reed, LTN publisher

  21. Passion4Tahoe says - Posted: April 17, 2011

    The best way to remove graffiti on rocks is to sandbast it. And I agree with Lake Tahoe Crime Free – this should not be glorified. The more it is publicized, the more the taggers feel they are getting their 15 minutes of fame.

  22. Lake Tahoe Crime Free Programs says - Posted: April 17, 2011

    URGENT UPDATE! We just got off the phone with California State Park Ranger Jennifer McCallan (530) 525-9528…they are aware of the vandalism which has been covered in snow since October. There was a report filed. We have emailed Denise Lohner, (Maint. Supv.) to see about helping them remove this. Jennifer said they just may let us help since they are stretched thin. We DO need a permit or permission since it is a State Park….We’ll keep you posted!
    In addition, Jennifer said that there was additional tagging done at the same time near D.L.Bliss and it was immediately removed but then the snow hit…we all know what that means. She is very pleased to hear that the community wants to help! email:
    Let’s follow “ADMIN” and take the proper channels.

  23. Lake Tahoe Crime Free Programs says - Posted: April 19, 2011

    We just got off the phone with Denise Lohner, Maint. Supv. with California State Parks. She said they are very appreciative that so many community members want to help out with cleaning this up. She is meeting with her supervisors and will have an answer for us by tomorrow or Thursday as to what they decide. Again, they are very excited to have so many that want to help so she is hoping for a postive answer. She said while she was on duty she personally removed more grafitti from another area so….this is personal to her to folks! I’ll keep you posted!

  24. dreamer says - Posted: April 26, 2011

    i will be happy to help too..please keep us all advised as the when and the where..i will be there to help too.

  25. Sierralife says - Posted: May 7, 2012

    Unfortunately this is the generation that we all raised on video games, texting, WWE, Facebook, Twitter. Our youth have lost the basic skills of face-to-face communication and have no interest in attempting to do so if it doesn’t involve pushing buttons. Everybody and everything in their lives exist virtually and therefore have no tangible human value. Spray painting rocks… so what. Take someones life… maybe. These are our future leaders and parents folks. Congrats.