Opinion: Mountain Collective looking for support from community

To the community,

The medical cannabis industry is already operating here in our community of South Lake Tahoe. However, we as a community are not benefiting from it as much as we could be. People in the community may not realize, but Mountain Collective, run by longtime locals, was unjustly denied permission to open a collective in the fall of 2009 when they originally applied with the city of South Lake Tahoe.

The city was biased by making exceptions on the applications for some of the current collectives, but not for Mountain Collective. The other three collectives are all spin-offs of other bigger collectives out of San Jose, Los Angeles and Sacramento.

Since 2009, Mountain Collective has been impeded by ongoing negotiations with the city, while the other three collectives have been allowed to operate. After decisions being prolonged and no conclusion being drawn, Mountain Collective is left with no option but to sue the city, in order to defend their rights and heavy investment in opening this collective. This lawsuit [that is expected to be filed today in El Dorado County Superior Court] could definitely go either way, therefore each and every one of our emails, letters, and if we show up to City Council meetings on important days will help to make or to break this case. Blogging online on press articles about what is going on and showing your support of Mountain Collective is also very beneficial. This grassroots approach may be the last chance Mountain Collective has and depends on each and everyone of you reading this and your demonstration of support.

We, as a community, need to write quick emails or letters saying it is about time Mountain Collective be recognized as a collective within the city of South Lake Tahoe. People in the community need to be informed about what has gone on so please spread the word. Mountain Collective needs any and all support, so please step forward. You can email our City Council at hcole@cityofslt.us, cfortier@cityofslt.us, aswanson@cityofslt.us, tdavis@cityofslt.us, and bgrego@cityofslt.us.

The city has a meeting coming up on April 19. Information about agendas is usually posted the Friday before the meeting on their website. City Council members make different decisions in front of a room full of people than they do when no one is in attendance. It is imperative to physically attend meetings. Meetings are at 1901 Airport Road, South Lake Tahoe.

Mountain Collective needs to have friends, family and members of the community standing behind them because they have been treated unfairly by the city of South Lake Tahoe and deserve to be able to open after all of this time of loss profits.

It is time to rectify this situation, which has been drawn out way to long, by helping Mountain Collective get the proper permits and permission to operate as a collective within South Lake Tahoe alongside the City of Angels 2, Tahoe Wellness Center, and Patient to Patient 2. The Zieglers have fully committed themselves to this business and have demonstrated over the course of the last 20 years their commitment to the local community and economy. Their livelihood, as well as their two young daughters. among others depend on Mountain Collective being officially acknowledged. Denying them the right to operate will be highly detrimental to their family and current employees.

As longtime locals, Chris and Stacie are committed to supporting and revitalizing the economy here. Mountain Collective is run on a closed loop system, which means all medical cannabis is produced in secure, discrete principally industrial areas locally and distributed locally to patients. It will be very clear where all the cannabis is coming from and where it is going. It will all be grown in Clean Green Certified locations which means it will meet Chris Van Hook’s statewide Clean Green Certification standards in spaces that meet all local building and safety codes and have appropriate insurance. Clean Green Certification insures products are produced in manner that is both healthy and safe for the environment.

With the proper permission and permits Mountain Collective will be able to create many local jobs. Unemployment levels are reaching all time highs. By employing local people, supporting local businesses with their purchasing needs the economy here will be positively impacted. There is also an opportunity for the city to benefit from taxes. It is scary but true the economy here needs major improvements and to diversify. We really need to open ourselves to new ideas and concepts and support locally owned and operated businesses.

We as a community need to stand up for each other by supporting each others’ visions. Let’s step in and help Mountain Collective make their vision a reality.

Together healing naturally,

Layla Green, South Lake Tahoe