Snippets about Lake Tahoe
•El Dorado County Office of Education Superintendent Vicki Barber won the Ferd. Kiesel Memorial Distinguished Service Award from the Association of California School Administrators. This is the highest honor ACSA can present to an individual.
• The April issue of Outside magazine has a feature on what people close to departed outdoor icons have as a physical reminder of that person. Professional skier J.T. Holmes talks about Lake Tahoe’s Shane McConkey.
• El Dorado Children’s Dental Van will be at Bijou Community School April 18-29 and at Al Tahoe Learning Center May 9-20. Families with eligible children may register by calling 800.388.8690.
• One day golf season might arrive in Lake Tahoe. Here are some things to think about: Nearly 40,000 golfers are admitted to emergency rooms every year after being injured at play, according to Golf Digest’s website. The Consumer Products Safety Commission reports that approximately 15,000 golf cart-related injuries require emergency room treatment every year.
• El Dorado County is accepting Senior of the Year nominations. Here is a form.
• Be aware — South Lake Tahoe Police and California Highway Patrol will join 225 other local agencies through April in cracking down on distracted drivers. Cellular telephone use has contributed to a number of incidents since their inception. Tickets for violating the hands free or no texting law costs a minimum of $159. The crackdown will start April 4.
• Wildland Fire Safety and Hand Crew Operations is a weeklong class scheduled from April 4-8 at Lake Tahoe Community College. The instructor is Keegan Schafer (, crew supervisor with Tahoe Douglas Fire Protection District.
The wildland firefighting class (FIR167) starts TOMORROW (Mon) at 8:00 a.m. and students must be registered before the class begins. It is the minimum training required to get on a hand crew this summer. Students may register at
half moon bay has disbanded its police department and contracted with san mateo county to provide law enforcement duties. seems they have had to settle a development lawsuit and are cash strapped. read the article in the sf chronicle 4.3.11…
Yes fromform, it can be done!!
And why would we disband our locally run police department and have people from Placerville in charge of law enforcement? The reason the City formed was for self governance, I don’t want Placerville running anything in Tahoe. Doesn’t make sense, sorry.
Because Centurion it’s more cost-efficient! The City says it’s short of money and is making noises about raising taxes YET AGAIN!! The City would negotiate a contract where the County would have to live up to certain standards and by staying and independent City, but contracting out the service, we could hold the County accountable.
Read the story on: (search Half Moon Bay)
Parker, you assume it is more cost efficient but have zero data to support that claim. Closer to home Elk Grove and Citrus Heights found that contracting for services actually cost more. I don’t know the cost, but as a very long time City resident I am satisfied with law enforcement in our town. It seems to me El Dorado County has the same financial issues as the City, maybe the County should contract with the City for services?
Read the Half Moon Bay story Centurion! For them it is more efficient!
My belief is, don’t have data on this, someone correct me if I’m wrong, but my belief is, most cities are size, 20k pop., don’t have independent depts! And how could it not be more efficient as I can’t believe we’d still need all that high paid top mgt!
But perhaps it could work out better if the County contracted out to the City for all the Lake area services? Either way, it’s got to be more cost-effective!!