73 grams of heroin found in South Tahoe house, 2 arrested

By Kathryn Reed

Two people were arrested and 73.3 grams of heroin were confiscated in what law enforcement is calling a substantial bust in South Lake Tahoe.

“This is a very significant amount for this area. We are seeing a lot of heroin coming in from Reno into the area,” said Jeff Catchings, commander with South Lake El Dorado Narcotics Enforcement Team.

Arrested May 11 at their house on Fresno Street were Alberto Vierboom, 36, and Heidi Kanes, 30.

Catchings described the scene as a “heroin den” with needles all over the place.

Vierboom tried to jump out a back window, but was stopped by officers outside. He then struggled with narcotics officers on a floor filled with needles before being apprehended, Catchings said.

Vierboom faces felony counts of possession and sales of narcotics, along with resisting arrest and maintaining a house for drug use. Kanes faces charges stemming from maintaining a house for drug use.

A third arrest is likely, according to Catchings.

The amount of heroin equated to 2,300 hits with a street value of $11,000.

“Drug use is always prevalent in poorer parts of society and Tahoe is not any different,” Catchings said. “It comes in waves and we’re riding the wave of heroin right now.”

Vierboom and Kanes remained in custody May 18.