Amateur bodybuilding competition at MontBleu

The Tahoe Show, a National Physique Committee-sanctioned amateur bodybuilding, figure, bikini and fitness championship, is Aug. 27 at MontBleu in Stateline.

Promoters of the Tahoe Show are offering a number features that are outside the norm. From the website, competitor may register to compete, as well as purchase show photos, tanning, event DVD, hair and makeup, a posing clinic with Greg Atoyan and a lakeside photo shoot after the show. Plus, recognizing the stringent dieting of a competitor, registrants will, have free access to microwaves to heat their pre-prepared food, free buffet after the show along with free access to an after party at MontBleu’s Opal Ultra Lounge.

Categories include bodybuilding, bikini, figure and fitness with open, novice, masters and teen divisions. The show will be fast passed and energetic. Included will be special celebrity appearances, a live DJ, video broadcast and a pound-for-pound lifting contest. The pound-for-pound lifting contest gives those who might not want to show off their physique an opportunity to participate. These competitors will compete to see who can bench press their body weight for the most number of repetitions.

Expected at the show are about 200 competitors and 1,500 or more spectators.

The title sponsor is Zephyr Cove’s Anytime Fitness.

For tickets, information, registration and a full event schedule, go online, email or call (775) 267.7564.