California considers shortening school year


By Kevin Yamamura, Sacramento Bee

Children in frigid areas have “snow day” school closures. Could students across sunny California face “budget days” in bad fiscal times?

Gov. Jerry Brown and school officials warn that shutting down school one month early – 20 instructional days – is a real possibility for the next school year without an extension of higher taxes. Some see Hawaii, which slashed 17 days in 2009-10, as an example that drastic measures are possible.

But there remain significant hurdles to imposing a monthlong closure in California, particularly getting approval from teachers unions and lawmakers. Republicans suggest that Democrats are raising the possibility as a scare tactic.

In the past two years, most California school districts have reduced their schedules below the 180-day calendar that was standard here in the previous decade and remains the norm nationwide.

No legislative proposal exists, but Orange County Superintendent of Schools William Habermehl said his 27 districts are talking about the option, whether it means a shorter school year or four-day weeks.

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Comments (15)
  1. Julie Threewit says - Posted: May 9, 2011

    I believe studies have shown we lag behind other nations where education is concerned. Is cutting out more school time really the highest choice for our kids??

  2. Jennifer says - Posted: May 9, 2011

    If the government would stop cutting funding to schools then this wouldn’t even be an issue. I was always taught growing up that school is one of the most important things, yet our government’s actions speak otherwise. Perhaps they don’t want the future generations to be well educated and think for themselves.

  3. dogwoman says - Posted: May 9, 2011

    The difference between “snow days” and “budget days” is you have to make up snow days.
    Hawaii is now talking about making the school days longer to make up for subtracting those days.
    School is important. But the districts do not spend the money on instruction for children. They waste incredible amounts on beaurocracy and union benefits. The schools haven’t been teaching kids to think for themselves for a long time. They indoctrinate them into being good non-thinking members of society. I wouldn’t have my kids in public school today.

  4. the conservation robot says - Posted: May 9, 2011

    Offer proof of this statement: “The schools haven’t been teaching kids to think for themselves for a long time.”

  5. pizzaguy says - Posted: May 9, 2011

    I think our teachers are doing a great job at Sierra House…but if the state has to close the school for additional days, I vote for getting out earlier in June and starting later in September. I miss the days when school started after Labor Day.

  6. the conservation robot says - Posted: May 9, 2011

    I would like to point out the irony in saying “The schools haven’t been teaching kids to think for themselves for a long time.” and not following up with any evidence, studies, trends in curriculum, etc.

  7. clear water says - Posted: May 9, 2011

    Immigrants don’t have many problems learning,maybe their parents have a secret code to success that some lack.
    The evidence is obvious in a lot cases.

    You can lead a horse to water but you can’t make him drink.
    Same goes for people who want learn.
    There’s many who have personal problems that over shadow who they are,what they want be,which direction do I turn, but no help to get them interested in building knowledge, keeping them hungry to learn.
    Family life,society life,peer pressure, all have different effects on virgin minds.
    Right now ,gadgets,lack of beliefs,are a factor on who comes out the dog pile of ethics WITH GOOD GUIDANCE TO A LIFE OF UNDERSTANDING,SHARING,CREATION,FORGIVING,ACCOMPLISNMENT to power self confidence for a life time.Hope alone can’t conquer these challenge.

  8. the conservation robot says - Posted: May 9, 2011

    Lack of beliefs…. do you mean, lack of religion?

  9. lou pierini says - Posted: May 9, 2011

    the conservation robot, You have not responded to my last post on the “council pushes back” so who are you to ask for facts when yours are anonymous and bias at there best.

  10. the conservation robot says - Posted: May 9, 2011

    Putting your real name on the internet, in a small town, is a bad idea. I know people who have been harassed at their home because someone didn’t like them.
    Anyone can ask for facts. Anonymous people too. Facts to not need an identified speaker, or any speaker for that matter.

  11. bob rockwell says - Posted: May 9, 2011

    Why cut back on school days? How about cutting back on politicians days in Sacramento! Thats where the the real waste of states funds are. Keep the kids in school,learning, growing. Send the the representatives, assemblymen and all the rest, home, with out pay . Thats where the real savings are.

  12. thimesnv says - Posted: May 10, 2011

    In California $0.42 of every dollar doesn’t even reach the classroom. Maybe that is a good place to start with the spending cuts, and leave the teachers and students alone.

  13. Perry R. Obray says - Posted: May 10, 2011

    Seems a trend in state social programs lately is, when programs become to dysfunctional, they get cut.

    You can spend around $35K for a Dodge truck with a diesel motor. Most likely you will be buying a vehicle with worst in class reliability. $ doesn’t buy everything.

  14. Skibum says - Posted: May 10, 2011

    Conservation, man can I relate to that lol

  15. the conservation robot says - Posted: May 10, 2011

    I’ve had people see a car they thought I drove, and be so convinced of it that they brought it up on the internet and told everyone about the car and made fun of me for it. Fortunately they were completely wrong.

    Anyway. thimesnv, interesting figure. Where did you find it and how does that compare to other states? Are there some districts that are more effective than others? There are many factors here. It can’t be reduced to one number.