Fallen Leaf Lake ready to sign contract with concessionaire

By Kathryn Reed

Fallen Leaf Lake has a concessionaire lined up to operate the store and marina this summer, but the weather will make the opening impossible for Memorial Day.

With snow still in the parking lot, and more coming down, it’s still not possible to get the docks into the water of this South Shore lake.

More snow needs to melt -- or to quit accumulating -- so Fallen Leaf Lake can open. Photo/LTN

More snow needs to melt -- or to quit accumulating -- so Fallen Leaf Lake can open. Photo/LTN

However, the community services district board unanimously agreed on May 14 to enter negotiations with Tahoe Recreation, a division of California Land Management. A contract is expected to be signed at the May 28 meeting.

The district is looking to be paid $50,000 plus 10 percent of gross sales up to $500,000. The half million-dollar mark has been met in the past six to eight years.

This private company also runs the U.S. Forest Service campground at the north end of the lake.

Tom Bacchetti, Fallen Leaf Lake board president, told Lake Tahoe News that Tahoe Recreation has a broad experience that includes operating marinas, stores and dealing with aquatic invasive species.

Tahoe Recreation has a type 20 liquor license, which allows for the sale of alcohol to be consumed off site. The company will be looking into getting a type 41 for people to drink at the café.