Memorial Day weekend in Tahoe not ideal entree to summer

Don’t put away the sweaters. Snow is in the forecast for Wednesday in the Lake Tahoe Basin.

Rain is expected below 7,000 feet, snow above that level for most of May 25, according to the National Weather Service in Reno.

Upper Truckee River flows into the usually dry area of Cove East. Photos/Kathryn Reed

Upper Truckee River flows into the usually dry Cove East. Photos/Kathryn Reed

Sun will return on Thursday. The Memorial Day weekend is expected to have more sun than clouds. But don’t expect it to be super warm. Highs will be in the low-50s over the weekend and in the 30s overnight.

And it’s going to be windy.

Best places to be out and about on foot or bike will be close to the lake because of all the snow on higher trails.

Cove East is a good bet for an easy walk. Osprey and a bald eagle were seen flying around at this South Lake Tahoe location off Venice Drive on Monday.

The Upper Truckee River has breached its bank and is flooding into the meadow on the Cove East side.

A branch of Trout Creek is now entering into the river before reaching Lake Tahoe.

With this being National Boating Safety week through May 27, it comes with the added reminder that anyone thinking about going out on any body of water should be aware rivers are running fast, are icy cold and a place where life jackets should be worn.

– Kathryn Reed

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