Misleading info about Echo Summit work trying to be curtailed


By Kathryn Reed

The start of regular twice-weekly phone calls between Caltrans and Lake Tahoe officials began this morning.

South Shore folks are most concerned about the message that is being delivered by the media outside the Lake Tahoe Basin.

A KTVU-TV anchorwoman on the 10pm May 4 broadcast mentioned the closure over Echo Summit that begins May 11, but then erroneously added how there will be horrendous delays for weeks when the road is subject to controlled traffic.

caltransThe truth is this route in and out of the South Shore is wall-to-wall vehicles on any busy weekend – any season. What is different now is there is no snow to contend with, which means the other routes to get to the Bay Area and Sacramento will be an easy drive.

Caltrans is still not placing ads with local media outlets despite the fact that people outside the basin go to Lake Tahoe websites to get information about what is going on in Tahoe.

Caltrans has contacted media in Reno that has been delivering erroneous information.

Another meeting is scheduled for May 6 about outreach.

Mike Cook, local Caltrans project manager, told people during the May 5 conference call that contractor C.C. Myers has been mobilizing equipment. The pre-grade inspection with Tahoe Regional Planning Agency is Friday.

Although there is a chance for rain May 9, that is still the date slated for initial delays, with full closure beginning some time May 11. The road will be closed for 10-14 days, with motorists rerouted via Highway 88 past Kirkwood into the South Shore. It adds a scenic 35 miles to the drive to South Lake Tahoe.

Caltrans is planning to have a press conference in Placerville May 11. Another one – more like a party – is planned for the day the work on the rock wall is done and traffic resumes over Echo Summit.

Here is the contractor’s Echo Summit schedule.

Here are Echo Summit closure facts.


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Comments (11)
  1. Tahoe Freedom Fighter says - Posted: May 5, 2011

    Yet,they continue to make plans to remove infrastructure and construct projects with no funding for construction, let alone maintainence. Our Tax Dollars at work!

  2. 30yrlocal says - Posted: May 5, 2011

    Why doesn’t the City of Lake Tahoe and LTVA issue their own press releases and send to all new agencies in Northern California? Why leave it to Cal Trans?

  3. Billie Jo McAfee says - Posted: May 6, 2011

    I love the drive, once you get to Jackson and start up Hwy. 88, It is such a change from Hwy 50. We always came the “Back way” so we wouldn’t get stuck in summer traffic. I think most people will enjoy the drive. I also think that more emphasis should be put on how nice the drive is instead of the time it takes. It’s not like we have to squeeze down the old Red Lake Grade any more…..we actually used to get out and walk so Dad could get the car & trailer down some parts of the grade. The new Red Lake Grade is great! The drive on Hwy. 88 is a nice change…..enjoy the drive. It’s for now, not forever.

  4. Bob says - Posted: May 6, 2011

    I guess LTVA, the politician and others were not able to delay launch before the bike race. Too bad for SLT. Tahoe City and the North side looks to capitalize thanks to CalTran friends on the northside.

  5. Jeffy says - Posted: May 6, 2011

    The LTVA reported to yesterday that casinotel occupancy is at 93% for the Friday and 100% for Saturday of the race weekend. If you feel this is a barometer for how full up the rest of our town will be, then we are still looking pretty good. People who reserve will get here any way they have to and their are already billboards on the Sac highways about the closure and way2tahoe campaign.

    All may not be lost by this closure.

  6. Jeffy says - Posted: May 6, 2011

    The LTVA reported yesterday that casinotel occupancy is at 93% for the Friday and 100% for Saturday of the race weekend. If you feel this is a barometer for how full up the rest of our town will be, then we are still looking pretty good. People who reserve will get here any way they have to and their are already billboards on the Sac highways about the closure and way2tahoe campaign.

    All may not be lost by this closure.

  7. Bad Stats says - Posted: May 6, 2011

    Jeffy, I have a bridge to sell you if you believe that crap. Remember the nearly 500 hotel rooms being given away for free, the meals LTVA has to provide to these people. Show me the money this town is going to make. Do you think any businesses along the route in SOuthLake Tahoe will make money that day? No way. I hear most are shutting down at least until late afternoon.

  8. clear water says - Posted: May 6, 2011

    Bad when did business owners have regular hours in this town?

    Half the time it says on sign”Open” but when you go to open the door ,it’s locked!

    Don’t know about room stays next week at casino…but this weekend a packed house for the Red Rocker,shots of cactus juice ,short skirts,REBEL YELLS.
    It will be a gas, no question about it!Why the poor people sleeeping with the shades on the light ,the stars come out at night.

    Actually for the locals that have no reason to be here for a BICYCLE RACE,traffic delays,rubber necking lawn chairs wide bodies,it’s a good time to leave the hill shop,get cheaper gas,enjoy the open spaces,Din in a nice dinner house,hit the sand on the Pacfic,Chill in a winery.

  9. Realist says - Posted: May 8, 2011

    Echo has needed to be repaired for years. The planning and public outreach for this project has been on-going for quite awhile. It was scheduled to go to construction even before the Amgen Race. The economy will always be variable and the time to do the work will never be right. However, yeah to Caltrans, get it repaired.