North Lake Tahoe defensible space evaluations beginning

The North Lake Tahoe Fire Protection District is gearing up for defensible space evaluations, tree marking and chipping services for the 2011 season.

These programs will start as soon as the snow melts and bare ground is completely visible on your property. What this means is that people living in the lower elevations will be able to take advantage of these services before folks living in the higher elevations. It is mandatory that the checklist items on the Defensible Space Checklist are completed prior to obtaining a tree removal permit.

Defensible space evaluations will be begin, weather permitting, the first week of June. Chipping services will also begin the first week of June, also weather permitting. The fire district will notify folks that have requested chipping services prior to visiting their homes.

To request a defensible space evaluation or chipping service, call (775) 831.0351, ext. 8118 and leave your name, phone number, address and service requested.