Opinion: Grego needs to be disciplined


To the community,

Kathryn Reed reported that Bruce Grego and Kathay Lovell complained to the State Bar that Jacqueline Mittelstadt, former city attorney for the city, was guilty on two counts of misconduct. The Bar dismissed the complaint.

The Bar reported that Grego and Lovell filed “… the complaint in their official capacities as council member and mayor of the city of South Lake Tahoe.” Thus, Grego and Lovell are guilty of misfeasance. They acted as city officials without having the authority to do so from the city. Three members of the council had no knowledge that they filed their complaint. But it would appear to an outsider that the city had filed the complaint. That is false.

Bill Crawford

Bill Crawford

Grego’s complaint is the second time he has used his position as council member to mislead others to believe he was speaking for the city. He used the city’s letterhead when he spoke before Nevada’s state Legislature.

It is clear that Grego places himself above other council members. That’s especially so when he complained to the Bar. I say again that he and Lovell hadn’t the authority from the city to do so.

It is clear that the City Council must discipline Grego. He is not a free agent who can on any occasion speak for the city. As a former council member, one of the three kept in the dark, I look forward to the council tethering Grego’s bull before he destroys the credibility of city government.

Bill Crawford, South Lake Tahoe


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This article was written by admin


Comments (10)
  1. Passion4Tahoe says - Posted: May 5, 2011

    I agree with former Councilmember Crawford. It is inappropriate for one member of the Council to take these kinds of actions without a majority of the Council’s concurrence.

    Bruce, stand down and consider that you are one of five. Your passion for the issues is noted, but please use some restraint and be a team player.

  2. X LOCAL says - Posted: May 5, 2011

    Mr. Crawford is correct. I would even go to the point of RECALL, Bruce is in this job for his own reasons and not for the good of the City and it’s residents. Bruce and his Father go way back as HATERS of the City and the laws of the City. They have always fought against the City Codes and many other City Rules.
    You folks need to rid the City Council of people like him, he will only cause harm to you.

  3. dumbfounded says - Posted: May 5, 2011

    This episode does not surprise anyone who is familiar with the politics of the city. There have been numerous other examples of city employees stepping over numerous lines of conduct. However, in my opinion, the credibility of the city has already been destroyed. That horse has left the barn.

  4. dryclean says - Posted: May 5, 2011

    Bill, what steps must be taken for him to be disciplined or recalled? Does a voter need to make a request at a city council meeting or are we expecting one of the current council members to raise the issue behind closed doors or in open session?

  5. Parker says - Posted: May 5, 2011

    What Grego needs to be disciplined for is never being able to think or act independently of Kathay Lovell! You’d think now that she’s no longer on the Council that would change? But it’s clear she’s still pulling his strings!

  6. snoheather says - Posted: May 5, 2011

    I believe Grego has crossed the line one to many times when it comes to abusing his office for his own gain. He must go! I would also like to know the proper steps to get rid of this arrogant man. He is no longer serving the citizens of South Lake Tahoe.

  7. Alex Campbell says - Posted: May 5, 2011

    File a complaint with the new grand jury. It is amazing what information can be developed with a subpoena.

  8. dryclean says - Posted: May 5, 2011

    Bill and kae need to meet and see if there is a story in what bIll says What say you Kae?

  9. tahogal says - Posted: May 6, 2011

    When Bill speaks, we should all listen. He was right on the Ta-hole, redevelopment, etc., and he’s right on this one. I think the abject hate that Grego has for TRPA has clouded his ethics. I agree with Alex, this is one for the new Grand Jury.

  10. Aviation Supporter says - Posted: May 7, 2011
