Opinion: Grego needs to be disciplined

To the community,

Kathryn Reed reported that Bruce Grego and Kathay Lovell complained to the State Bar that Jacqueline Mittelstadt, former city attorney for the city, was guilty on two counts of misconduct. The Bar dismissed the complaint.

The Bar reported that Grego and Lovell filed “… the complaint in their official capacities as council member and mayor of the city of South Lake Tahoe.” Thus, Grego and Lovell are guilty of misfeasance. They acted as city officials without having the authority to do so from the city. Three members of the council had no knowledge that they filed their complaint. But it would appear to an outsider that the city had filed the complaint. That is false.

Bill Crawford

Bill Crawford

Grego’s complaint is the second time he has used his position as council member to mislead others to believe he was speaking for the city. He used the city’s letterhead when he spoke before Nevada’s state Legislature.

It is clear that Grego places himself above other council members. That’s especially so when he complained to the Bar. I say again that he and Lovell hadn’t the authority from the city to do so.

It is clear that the City Council must discipline Grego. He is not a free agent who can on any occasion speak for the city. As a former council member, one of the three kept in the dark, I look forward to the council tethering Grego’s bull before he destroys the credibility of city government.

Bill Crawford, South Lake Tahoe