Opinion: South Tahoe making mistake giving money to LTUSD

To the community,

It appears that on May 17, the city manager of South Lake Tahoe will advise the City Council to donate $250,000 of city reserve funds to the school district for upgrading the football field at South Tahoe High School. It is a mistake to do so.

The city manger came to town claiming that he would manage the city as a business. I know of no business model that gives money away. It seems that the city manager has forgotten that he, as does the council, has a fiduciary trust to honor. The city manager says this gift to the school district will create a partnership with the district. I say, well, to achieve what? The school district should run the district and the city should run the city. They should cooperate, but there should be no free exchange of tax dollars. In this deal what is the direct benefit to the city?

Bill Crawford

Bill Crawford

It is especially ill advised to give away the $250,000 under the circumstances. The city is hurting for revenue. The city manager and council have for economic reasons trimmed crew and staff reducing the number of city employees. The city has large unfunded liabilities. The city can’t fix the streets. But it will take reserve money for the school district.

And if citizens will look at their property tax bill, they will see three items that render money to the school district. So why should the city even think of giving money to another agency?

This is an example of undisciplined behavior by the city manager because this gift has nothing to do with meeting the needs of the city. He should receive a vote of no confidence on this subject. It is bad politics.

Bill Crawford, South Lake Tahoe