Opinion: Thankful for friends, bitter toward media

To the community,

The recent post on this site and the article in the Tribune that reported my brush with law enforcement was so highly inaccurate as to be silly. But that is not my point in responding. Bias, inaccuracy and sloppy reporting in the media are so widely accepted and broadly understood that, to most people, it no longer merits a comment.

I am writing to thank the large number of people who understood the actual facts of the situation and provided unwavering support to me and my family during the less than 48 hours that it took before it was resolved. I cannot thank enough the people who came to Barton Hospital ICU to show their support – members of our church family, relatives, church pastors, and those how have been our friends for years. To my business partner who was standing ready to put up whatever amount of money necessary to see that I was home with my family. And thanks to the deputies of the El Dorado County Sheriff’s Department who provided security for me at Barton and showed the highest level of professionalism and dedication to service.

Joseph Scanio

Joseph Scanio

Also, thanks to my attorney who was tireless in his defense and to our community leaders, elected officials whose support I so much appreciated. Friday evening was our 11th wedding anniversary and the dinner and show at a local casino was fantastic and our thanks for that great experience. And, finally, to all the people of our church who joined with us this past Sunday to offer their support and encouragement and to so warmly welcome us to our shared fellowship with Christ.

The anniversary card my wife gave me this past weekend I think sums up how we should look at the situations that cause us pain or bring turmoil to our lives. I want to share her words with you. I think they can give us and our partner the love and strength to endure when there is darkness and despair –as there always will be:

Sometimes life can get a little messy, a little crazy around the edges. But that’s okay. It’s still wonderful … and there is no one I’d rather be sharing it with than you, amazing you. I’m so glad our life isn’t about seeking perfection. Instead. We find happiness in everyday moments and real satisfaction in our home, our love, and our family.

Jennifer, I love you – and to all our friends and family, we love you more than you can ever know.

Joseph Scanio, South Lake Tahoe