Opinion: Wishing graduates success after high school

By Vicki Barber

Tra-la, it’s May, the lusty month of May. Remember the song from “Camelot”? Yes, it is May. El Dorado County may not be quite Camelot, but for a large number of graduating students it is a wonderful place to be this May. Students will be graduating from our high schools and moving into the future of their choice. Some are planning to go to college, others to technical training, and others to work in the community.

For some students their work and effort has turned into rewards in the form of scholarships to schools of their choice. The effort needed to receive a scholarship doesn’t occur in just the last few months of a student’s senior year of high school. Although this does feel like crunch time, in actuality the real work for a scholarship began long before these last few months as students combined their dreams for the future with the importance of hard work during their entire school career.

Vicki Barber

Vicki Barber

Many students come to the end of their high school careers with a real passion for learning, and we in El Dorado County are pleased that we are able to acknowledge and reward their arrival with scholarships to go on and learn more. As you can see when you visit the El Dorado County scholarship website, there are many organizations and individuals who want to recognize these talented students and we truly appreciate their efforts. The scholarships support students who have chosen academies, universities, community colleges, or culinary schools.

Now, this May, we congratulate all graduates and wish them well as they take their next steps toward the realization of their dreams.

Vicki Barber is superintendent of El Dorado County Office of Education.