South Tahoe registered sex offender back behind bars

While South Tahoe police officers conducted a follow-up investigation to the registered sex offender who was outside the city ice rink Monday, they discovered he had not registered where he is currently residing.

Joseph Scanino was arrested May 18 on a felony charge of violating his mandatory sex registration obligation.

Scanio is a registered sex offender on federal probation for possession of child pornography.

Joseph Scanio

Joseph Scanio

Scanio lives in the 2000 block of Wyoming Avenue. In June 2010 he had reported he was living at a different residence in South Lake Tahoe. At that time Scanio signed an acknowledgement that he was aware of his legal obligation to update his registration within five days of changing his residence address. Scanio failed to comply with this obligation.

This felony charge is separate from, and in addition to, any violation of Scanio’s federal probation status. That matter will be pursued by federal probation. It is also separate from the prior request SLTPD has made for the District Attorney’s Office to review the matter for a possible violation of a local city ordinance which prohibits registered sex offenders living in restricted areas or from being present at specified locations.

— Lake Tahoe News staff report