Truckee company wins 7 awards at film festival

Truckee video production company Eureka Productions won seven awards this month at the 44th annual Worldfest-Houston International Film festival.

“We are delighted to say that your awards assume a very special significance this year, as more than 4,200 category entries were competing from 32 countries,” Hunter Todd, director of WorldFest Houston, said in a press release.

Eureka Productions’ awards include “how-to” instructional videos, a screen play and a documentary about the world’s largest religious gathering. The complete award list is below, and samples of Eureka Productions videos may be viewed on Youtube.

1. Remi Award: “Fight to Breath Right” DVD, which examines Russian breathing and movement techniques for health and exercise (and sorry, fighting)

2. Remi Award: “Kumbh Mela” DVD, a documentary of the world’s largest religious gathering every 12 years in India at Haridwar.

3. Remi Award: “I Will Fight No More Forever” DVD, about a Dutch-Indonesian martial arts master featured in Eureka productions award winning “Magus of Denver’

4. Gold Remi Award: “Heart to Heart” DVD, about healing practices for animals (see “Tapping into the Collective Unconscious” Eureka Productions award, winning in 2010).

5. Gold Remi Award: “Cayuga Park” DVD, a short news story about a small park in San Francisco with its unusual artistic achievement of sculptures by Demi, the man who maintained the park for more than 30 years. The Park is now threatened by BART, to be destroyed.

6. Silver Remi Award: “The American Lightwar,” an original screenplay by Sam Edwards

7. Silver Remi Award: “Best of Masters on the Mountain Healings Seminars” volume II

Eureka Productions has offices in Truckee and Mendcino. It specializes in martial arts and healings seminars, social issues and documentary videos.