Varied opinions about redistricting in El Dorado County

Publisher’s note: The redistricting meeting in South Lake Tahoe is May 19 from 6-8pm at Lake Tahoe Airport.

By Carlos Alcalá, Sacramento Bee

As El Dorado County works to draw new supervisorial districts to match 2010 census figures, one of five draft maps is drawing attention – good and bad.

The county must redraw lines to reflect the county’s growth – about 25,000 more people than 10 years ago – but there are different ways to do that.

“No. 3 down there is clearly an abomination,” said Jack Sweeney, the District III supervisor, as the five maps were introduced to the Board of Supervisors last week.

The No. 3 option is also known as “the accordion” for the way it puts districts into north-south stripes that squeeze close on the west end of the county – where population is dense – and expand to the east.

But one man’s accordion crime is one woman’s ideal.

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