Home » Question of the Week » What local issue have you addressed at a public forum so officials understand what the public believes? And what was the result?
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I ADDRESSED THE STPUD BOARD REGARDING METERED WATER RATES FOR A SELECT FEW OF US. 3 options were produced after the forum, but alas, it was for naught, because our monetary concerns, and the inequity of of the entire situation fell on deaf ears. I WILL DUE MY DILIGENCE AND MAKE SURE I REPLACE ONE OF THE BOARD MEMBERS!!
I was with Tony and I agree with him totally.
Hey i think i heard this question before.
I commented at a recent STPUD Board meeting about issues with a proposed booster station. The STPUD Board and Staff responded by making changes to their proposed project which many in the neighborhood appreciated.
Although I agree with both Tony and Ernie, as I was there also, I attended a Sustainability Commission meeting on my own.
The new Commission seems to be ‘buffaloed’ by the City’s hammering on Brown Act issues, maybe in response to their own travails, but I don’t think the Brown Act was really designed to get nothing done. . .
If so, we are all in trouble with those who concentrate on “knowing the ropes” – absent the energy & spirit of the work they’re supposed to do.
I lve going to the public comment meetings for the U.S Forest Service regarding land use issues. At least they tell us up front that our commments in the public forum carry no weight. We were instructed that only written comments will be concidered. This way all the comments from Berkley and The Bay Area outweigh the locals voices.