Dugard describes abduction details in transcripts

Updated: June 2 8:57pm

By Sam Stanton, Sacramento Bee

Jaycee Lee Dugard described in terrifying detail last fall how Phillip and Nancy Garrido snatched her off the street and whisked her away for 18 years of captivity.

Grand jury transcripts released moments ago recount her secret testimony that was the basis of the guilty pleas the Garridos accepted in April. The transcripts were released at the request of The Sacramento Bee and other media organizations.

Dugard told the El Dorado Grand Jury that the Garridos’ car pulled up beside her the morning of June 10, 1991, “and I didn’t think it was weird at the time, but it pulled in kind of close to me. And I thought he was going to ask for directions because he started to say something.”

Instead, Dugard said she suddenly felt a shock and fell into bushes, the apparent result of the Garridos using a Taser on her and dragging her into their car.

Read the whole story

Here are the transcripts:




