Full El Dorado County Grand Jury report out next week

By Carlos Alcalá, Sacramento Bee

El Dorado County should make use of private volunteers in evaluating the efficiency of government operations, the 2010-2011 grand jury wrote in sections of its report released Tuesday.

The full report was supposed to be released in tandem with the regular Board of Supervisors meeting, but it was pulled back due to production errors, according to Steve Baker, foreman for the grand jury.

The full report, to be released at the June 21 supervisors’ meeting, will include matters that are “more controversial and more consequential,” Baker said.

He said it would be inappropriate to talk about the sections released Tuesday, as he felt their release was premature.

However, the report’s recommendations included suggestions that the county Chief Administrative Office needs to create a clear statement of operating principles and create review teams to evaluate whether departments are meeting those principles.

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