Judge denies Garridos private meeting

By Sam Stanton, Sacramento Bee

The last time Nancy Garrido will ever see her husband likely came at 9:26 a.m. Thursday, as she was being escorted out of a Placerville courtroom and headed off to begin her 36-year prison sentence.

“Love you,” she mouthed to Phillip Garrido, who sat shackled in the courtroom jury box waiting for the judge to hand down his sentence of 431 years to life.

She had asked for a final, private meeting with him after they were sentenced, but El Dorado Superior Court Judge Douglas Phimister was having none of it.

“The request to meet with the co-defendant is denied,” the judge said.

Her attorney, Stephen Tapson, asked if the judge would allow her to watch the sentencing of her husband.

“I will not,” the judge said, and with that Nancy Garrido was taken away.

This is how the pairing of these two ends, with the 60-year-old Phillip Garrido soon to be packed off to a state prison.

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