Opinion: Caution is best policy when looking for conflicts

Publisher’s note: This editorial if from the June 15, 2011, Reno Gazette-Journal.

One of the challenges facing any public official in a small community like this, or even a relatively small state like Nevada, is the likelihood that sooner or later you’re going to have to make a decision that involves someone you know, someone you’ve worked with or someone who’s donated money to your campaign.

Making the challenge even greater is that no one who’s been elected to office wants it said that he or she can’t put aside parochial interests to make a fair, reasoned decision on any issue. They can’t be swayed, they insist, by campaign contributions or friendship.

That’s no excuse, however, for ignoring the possibility of a conflict of interest. Rather, it makes it all the more important that public officials be especially alert for the possibility of a conflict and take whatever action is necessary to avoid it.

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