Snippets about Lake Tahoe


ren faire• The annual Ren Faire at Camp Richardson is June 4-5 and June 11-12 from 10am-6pm.

• Squaw Valley may not have fresh powder like it did Memorial Day weekend, but it will be open July 2-4, 8am-2pm for skiers/snowboarders.

• Thunderbird Lodge is open for public tours Tuesdays through Saturdays until mid-October.

• The American Pyrotechnics Association rates South Shore’s Fourth of July fireworks celebration one of the Top 5 displays in the nation.

• Tahoe Donner Association paid Truckee Donner Public Utility District $775,000 for the 160-acre McGlashan Springs parcel to keep it open space. The property is adjacent to the 240-acre Bucknam Tract the association bought a year ago.


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This article was written by admin


Comments (5)
  1. Brian says - Posted: June 3, 2011

    No mention of the Air show out at the airport??? Is the Air show off this year?

    What about the Boat show on the west shore?

    I’m sure the Shakespeare festival must be on at Sand harbor.

    Come to think about it, a whole bunch of Summer activities are missing? What was this post for?

  2. Janet says - Posted: June 3, 2011

    Brian, what’s your problem? LTN runs this snippets thing just about every other day. It’s a bunch of random information that I find informative and super quick to read. Check out the evnts section for the air show. A whole story about the Shakespeare fest was written about a month or so ago and how Shakespeare is actually being staged again. Lighten up dude. Where else do you get his much news — and for free. Give them a break, and give them money keep doing their job … I do.

  3. Brian says - Posted: June 3, 2011

    Janet, I think without hearing my voice attached to my comments that perhaps you read into this a false sense of something… this could be my fault. I had nothing to “lighten up” about, My tone was never intended to come across as stern or anything other than seeking information. If I had not caught previous instalments to the “Grab Bag”, it’s because I am unable to see everything, everyday. I end off my previous comment by asking what this post was for because an article with no apparent beginning and no sign off leaves unsuspecting readers up in the air, please consider all things before assuming an individual is being controversial, I was not. Along with your assumptions Janet, you should not instruct me to contribute to the Lake Tahoe News, this might be something I already do. And yes, many places can be found with “This much news” and for free! Look, I enjoy this site, I support them no doubt, I’m glad to have L.T.N. as part of our community. As well I am glad to see people,(like yourself), ready to stand up for L.T.N. when you were thinking someone was being brash towards the staff. Just next time, ask what someone means by a comment they made before you ask what their problem is, especially on blogs when no voice is attached to the words.

  4. admin says - Posted: June 4, 2011


    Thank you for reading Lake Tahoe News. Grab Bag is a category to put items that don’t necessarily fit into one of the others, or for briefs. Snippets is a gathering of extremely short (ideally interesting) items. Usually between four to seven items go into Snippets. They run when we have enough to run.

    I notice you said you don’t get to Lake Tahoe News every day. You (or anyone) might consider subscribing to LTN. You do this by entering your email address at the bottom right of the home page. Then you will get a confirmation email. After that you get an email each morning listing what has been posted in the last 24 hours. You can read the headlines or click on one to get the whole story. This may make it faster for you to figure out what is on LTN.

    If you ever have questions, you or anyone may always email me directly at

    Kathryn Reed, LTN publisher

  5. Steven says - Posted: June 4, 2011

    Kathryn, I think it would be great if you could make the list of recent comments longer or a link to several days worth of comments or even a months worth. Or, how about a record of each individuals comments from the past 6 months. We could click on an individuals name a see what they have been saying.