Stateline casinos buck state trend — April numbers up

Gaming revenues surged at Stateline in April by 14.99 percent or $14.3 million compared to the same time in 2010.

Statewide, casinos collected $806 million from gamblers, which is a 0.58 percent decline compared with $810.7 million collected in April 2010, according to the state Gaming Control Board which released the April data this morning.

Stateline casino earnings were up in April. Photo/LTN

Stateline casino earnings were up in April. Photo/LTN

Carson Valley reported a drop of 3.34 percent.

In March, Stateline casinos reported a 29.8 percent drop in revenue. Often times March is a good month for casinos because of betting on college basketball.

April 2011 did have more skier days than usual with resorts staying open until late in the month to accommodate Easter. Most of the bed base for South Shore ski areas is within walking distance to the Stateline casinos.

— Kathryn Reed