Tahoe-Baikal Institute Friendraiser
Tahoe-Baikal Institute’s annual Friendraiser Gala is July 1 at Heavenly Mountain Resort’s Lakeview Lodge.
Tickets are $60.
Parking will be at Heavenly’s California Base Lodge
The tram will begin operation at 5pm. The formal program begins at 6pm.
The Tahoe-Baikal Institute is a nonprofit organization based in South Lake Tahoe that promotes international cultural understanding and global cooperation in meeting environmental challenges, specifically through an exchange program that focuses on Lake Tahoe in California and Lake Baikal in southern Siberia. This event is used to showcase the exchange participants and the successful international partnership between Lake Tahoe and Lake Baikal. All proceeds benefit TBI’s programs.
For more information or to purchase tickets, call (530) 542.5599 or email gala@tahoebaikal.org.