Tahoe Tails — Adoptable Pets in South Lake Tahoe
Diego is a impressive Mastiff-pit bull mix, about 85 pounds, but he is a sweetheart. He is affectionate with people and likes to play with other dogs.
He is about 18 months old, and hasn’t had much training, but he’s smart, and should learn commands quickly.
He loves to play and has lots of energy. Diego was left behind when his owners moved from the area.
Diego is neutered, microchipped, and vaccinated. He is at the El Dorado County Animal Services shelter in Meyers, along with many other dogs and cats who are waiting for their new homes.
Call (530) 573.7925 for directions, hours, and other information on adopting a pet.
For spay-neuter assistance for South Tahoe residents, go online.
— Karen Kuentz
It’s a shame that there seems to be such an explosion of pit bull mixes, as home insurance will not cover them.
I’ve always heard they can be real sweethearts, but have also heard of their attacks. Regardless I guess I would never be able to own one, as my home insurance would leave me exposed (alone) to litigation, if my dog ever bit someone.
Maybe a spay-neuter education program needs to be started, and also funds raised to help get these animals fixed :)