Nason’s comments on needing a plan to reduce area traffic are childish and immature. The League throws up wild ideas which stop local progress but offer no quick solutions. Their solution instead is to file frivolous lawsuits. If they had to work for a living instead of relying on the kindness of strangers they would all be unemployed and on unemployment. This group needs to be disbanded and thrown out of the basin.
30yrlocal says - Posted: June 22, 2011
I believe they hamper the process significantly. I believe in the quality of our area and with adhering to the rules and regulations, but to constantly throw lawsuits into the mix just doesn’t make the process work.
The League seems to function like we’re a bunch of bumbling idiots that have no idea on how to live in a healthy environment while protecting nature and the clarity of the lake.
I would guess that there are board members in each of the towns that Ms. Nason writes newspaper editorials in. Is this to justify her position as an executive director of a non-profit (non-profit with over $1,000,000 in excess mind you). Her articles show up in Chicago and San Francisco, telling how we’re harming our environment in Lake Tahoe. The last one she wrote in SF tells of how we’re putting in high rise buildings!
The League should team up with local agencies and PEOPLE (yes, we’re PEOPLE here)to come up with a common goal that works for all.
Here is a snippet off their website: “Tahoe is still blue today because of many successful big ideas. The creation of the TRPA was the first big idea, followed by the requirement to export all sewage out of the Basin, the 1980s state bond issues to compensate investors in sensitive land who could not develop their parcels, and finally, the Lake Tahoe Restoration Act and Environmental Improvement Program. The League was instrumental in each of these environmental success stories. As a result, the decline in deep-water lake clarity has slowed, but the lake continues to face many challenges, including urbanization and traffic congestion, ozone violations, invasive species, climate change, and dramatic near-shore clarity degradation.”
“Without the continued efforts of the League in terms of news and legal actions, we would have lost the battle to save Lake Tahoe back in the 1960s and ’70s.” — famed Tahoe researcher Dr. Charles Goldman, Tahoe Quarterly, 2007.”
Tahoehuskies says - Posted: June 22, 2011
No matter what mountain town or scenic ocean-side village one investigates there is always going to be the short-sighted developer/investor interests wanting to make a quick million plus over nature’s glory. Unfortunately,local and regional politics are highly influenced by money in what ever form they may come (i.e. increase in property taxes, etc.). Sometimes their interests are not what’s best for the environment and for the benefit of future generations.
I just don’t understand why the City, and the rest of the Basin for that matter, can’t redevelop/revitalize our communities without adding to the population densities (i.e. more condos to be used by only tourists). We have so many apartments and motel room in horrible conditions that can be revitalized for the good of the Lake and the community.
Meeting attendee says - Posted: June 22, 2011
In a way, the League is good. Deep pocketed developers/land owners can sue so they are allowed to build. Someone needs to be pressing the other side. But the League would do themselves a world of good if they would actual help complete a project. Actually DO something rather than sit on the sidelines and sue.
dryclean says - Posted: June 22, 2011
Meeting attendee..if they do something they lose the scare tactic that produces many of their donations. If donations go to something positive, Rochelle has less money to litigate. Lawsuits generally get more press and have a longer shelf life than assisting a developer meet enviornmnental thresholds. Job security.
satori says - Posted: June 22, 2011
As I’ve made comments elsewhere, I will limit my answer to these two words, as they exemplify the entire “process” here:
“NO & SLOW” . . .
30yrlocal says - Posted: June 22, 2011
Huskies: I would be the answer to your question is lack of desire and/or money to improve properties. There were many motels in the current “hole”zone that just sat back and waited for redevelopment to buy them out, didn’t fix up their properties, didn’t invest anything, then got caught when the redevelopment zone was reduced (was going all the way back so Park Avenue would surround the whole area at the beginning).
I wish current property owners would have to fix up their properties, especially on the Hwy 50 corridor, but that would require a lot of regulations and money.
fireman says - Posted: June 22, 2011
I find in ironic that they are advocating for keeping Tahoe blue and water quality. If you take an existing property that was built in the 1960’s and build the land to todays standards would that not help improve water quality. Would that person not have to take the property and d the latest and greatest bmp’s. Would that not help the water quality issue that they s advocate for. You do not see dirty water running int the road from the Marriot. With development and rejuvination of an old delapidated town will come more money and more interest to keep the town in good shape. I have grown up here and am ashamed of how the town looks at this time. This fear factor that the League and other agencies uses in my opinion is why the local comercial property owners do not upgrade. There is no way to know what yoru cost would be to remodel. You dont know if you will get a nice lawsuit from the League. I hope one day we can get the sense of community that used to exist in this town back.
Comical Bear says - Posted: June 24, 2011
I’ve re-cut their blue sticker, “Keep Tahoe Blue” to now read “Keep Tahoe Sued” and placed it on my vehicle with the hopes that they’ll file a lawsuit (once they pull me over that is)because I altered their ‘famous’ saying. I’m curious to see A) how soon before someone narcs on me and lets their folks know who I am and B) other than their supposed copyright infringement see how long it takes to wait my turn what with all of their other lawsuits pending to see how far I can take this silly game of theirs. Hey, might as well make a science project out of it and get some free press out of it in the process.
dogwoman says - Posted: June 25, 2011
The league is just like any other agency up here. Slide enough money into the correct pocket and you can do whatever you want without being bothered. Go look at Fallen Leaf.
TahoeStyle says - Posted: June 25, 2011
The League is great. 6-story buildings should NOT be allowed in South Lake Tahoe. If folks want that, move to the big city. Quality planning and design is attractive to visitors who want a small town feeling vacation. I want to see the trees, not more condos.
Careaboutthecommunity says - Posted: June 25, 2011
I really don’t see any value from them. The impression that I get, is they just want to make a fat salary, and to do that they use scare tactics with their donators, and then must bear their teeth, so the donators feel they are getting their moneys worth.
In my opinion, they bring nothing of value to the table, at best are a distraction, at worst they are robbing money for us to upgrade structure around the lake.
TahoeMale says - Posted: June 26, 2011
@TahoeStyle. Take a drive from The “Y” to the Casinos and look at the buildings…. Starting with the old Sears/Millers Outpost building. Beautiful boarded up with stunning chain link fence. Then wind your way down Tahoe blvd looking at thrall the dilapidated commercial sites with “for lease” signs, graffitt etc. If you walk away from the comforts of your living room, you will find this town is an absolute shi* hole. The most beautiful place on the planet is falling apart. We need revitalization and Tourist money. That is what keeps this town’s heart pumping and will eventually bring it back to the Jewell it once was.
You think the local economy is bad now.. Take away Tourist $$ and see what is left of this town. I am sure you have at least one friend who’s business relies on incoming$$ to survive.
I would love to see them bulldoze the Old Millers Outpost building and put in a Hilton, Hyatt or anything else that would have a nice curb appeal, actual vegetation and help bring beauty to this town again.
The Lake, Trees and all the other beauty is here to stay and there will always be enough caring local residents to keep it that way.
I second the “Keep Tahoe Sued” philosophy!
30yrlocal says - Posted: June 26, 2011
Many people may be upset at redevelopment, but that certainly revitalized and cleaned up it’s first major project by Ski Run, then by the Gondola. I feel it was going to do the same for the rest of the town had the economy and financing run into the tank.
I really think its up to each property owner on Hwy 50 to clean up their property. Small projects can do so much, just look at Lou’s pawn shop and the adjoining Tep’s. Taco Bell and Jack in the Box…they look nice. The new 54 acre project will add some positiveness so hopefully the buildings on Harrison follow suit.
It takes just one to get the ball rolling.
lou pierini says - Posted: June 26, 2011
TahoeMale says - Posted: June 27, 2011
30yearLocal..well said my friend! Everyone wants a green, untouched Tahoe, but the most of the corridor is an eyesore. The Village, new Red Hut and adjoining areas (Lou’s) are a wonderful upgrade to the community.
Nason’s comments on needing a plan to reduce area traffic are childish and immature. The League throws up wild ideas which stop local progress but offer no quick solutions. Their solution instead is to file frivolous lawsuits. If they had to work for a living instead of relying on the kindness of strangers they would all be unemployed and on unemployment. This group needs to be disbanded and thrown out of the basin.
I believe they hamper the process significantly. I believe in the quality of our area and with adhering to the rules and regulations, but to constantly throw lawsuits into the mix just doesn’t make the process work.
The League seems to function like we’re a bunch of bumbling idiots that have no idea on how to live in a healthy environment while protecting nature and the clarity of the lake.
I would guess that there are board members in each of the towns that Ms. Nason writes newspaper editorials in. Is this to justify her position as an executive director of a non-profit (non-profit with over $1,000,000 in excess mind you). Her articles show up in Chicago and San Francisco, telling how we’re harming our environment in Lake Tahoe. The last one she wrote in SF tells of how we’re putting in high rise buildings!
The League should team up with local agencies and PEOPLE (yes, we’re PEOPLE here)to come up with a common goal that works for all.
Here is a snippet off their website: “Tahoe is still blue today because of many successful big ideas. The creation of the TRPA was the first big idea, followed by the requirement to export all sewage out of the Basin, the 1980s state bond issues to compensate investors in sensitive land who could not develop their parcels, and finally, the Lake Tahoe Restoration Act and Environmental Improvement Program. The League was instrumental in each of these environmental success stories. As a result, the decline in deep-water lake clarity has slowed, but the lake continues to face many challenges, including urbanization and traffic congestion, ozone violations, invasive species, climate change, and dramatic near-shore clarity degradation.”
“Without the continued efforts of the League in terms of news and legal actions, we would have lost the battle to save Lake Tahoe back in the 1960s and ’70s.” — famed Tahoe researcher Dr. Charles Goldman, Tahoe Quarterly, 2007.”
No matter what mountain town or scenic ocean-side village one investigates there is always going to be the short-sighted developer/investor interests wanting to make a quick million plus over nature’s glory. Unfortunately,local and regional politics are highly influenced by money in what ever form they may come (i.e. increase in property taxes, etc.). Sometimes their interests are not what’s best for the environment and for the benefit of future generations.
I just don’t understand why the City, and the rest of the Basin for that matter, can’t redevelop/revitalize our communities without adding to the population densities (i.e. more condos to be used by only tourists). We have so many apartments and motel room in horrible conditions that can be revitalized for the good of the Lake and the community.
In a way, the League is good. Deep pocketed developers/land owners can sue so they are allowed to build. Someone needs to be pressing the other side. But the League would do themselves a world of good if they would actual help complete a project. Actually DO something rather than sit on the sidelines and sue.
Meeting attendee..if they do something they lose the scare tactic that produces many of their donations. If donations go to something positive, Rochelle has less money to litigate. Lawsuits generally get more press and have a longer shelf life than assisting a developer meet enviornmnental thresholds. Job security.
As I’ve made comments elsewhere, I will limit my answer to these two words, as they exemplify the entire “process” here:
“NO & SLOW” . . .
Huskies: I would be the answer to your question is lack of desire and/or money to improve properties. There were many motels in the current “hole”zone that just sat back and waited for redevelopment to buy them out, didn’t fix up their properties, didn’t invest anything, then got caught when the redevelopment zone was reduced (was going all the way back so Park Avenue would surround the whole area at the beginning).
I wish current property owners would have to fix up their properties, especially on the Hwy 50 corridor, but that would require a lot of regulations and money.
I find in ironic that they are advocating for keeping Tahoe blue and water quality. If you take an existing property that was built in the 1960’s and build the land to todays standards would that not help improve water quality. Would that person not have to take the property and d the latest and greatest bmp’s. Would that not help the water quality issue that they s advocate for. You do not see dirty water running int the road from the Marriot. With development and rejuvination of an old delapidated town will come more money and more interest to keep the town in good shape. I have grown up here and am ashamed of how the town looks at this time. This fear factor that the League and other agencies uses in my opinion is why the local comercial property owners do not upgrade. There is no way to know what yoru cost would be to remodel. You dont know if you will get a nice lawsuit from the League. I hope one day we can get the sense of community that used to exist in this town back.
I’ve re-cut their blue sticker, “Keep Tahoe Blue” to now read “Keep Tahoe Sued” and placed it on my vehicle with the hopes that they’ll file a lawsuit (once they pull me over that is)because I altered their ‘famous’ saying. I’m curious to see A) how soon before someone narcs on me and lets their folks know who I am and B) other than their supposed copyright infringement see how long it takes to wait my turn what with all of their other lawsuits pending to see how far I can take this silly game of theirs. Hey, might as well make a science project out of it and get some free press out of it in the process.
The league is just like any other agency up here. Slide enough money into the correct pocket and you can do whatever you want without being bothered. Go look at Fallen Leaf.
The League is great. 6-story buildings should NOT be allowed in South Lake Tahoe. If folks want that, move to the big city. Quality planning and design is attractive to visitors who want a small town feeling vacation. I want to see the trees, not more condos.
I really don’t see any value from them. The impression that I get, is they just want to make a fat salary, and to do that they use scare tactics with their donators, and then must bear their teeth, so the donators feel they are getting their moneys worth.
In my opinion, they bring nothing of value to the table, at best are a distraction, at worst they are robbing money for us to upgrade structure around the lake.
@TahoeStyle. Take a drive from The “Y” to the Casinos and look at the buildings…. Starting with the old Sears/Millers Outpost building. Beautiful boarded up with stunning chain link fence. Then wind your way down Tahoe blvd looking at thrall the dilapidated commercial sites with “for lease” signs, graffitt etc. If you walk away from the comforts of your living room, you will find this town is an absolute shi* hole. The most beautiful place on the planet is falling apart. We need revitalization and Tourist money. That is what keeps this town’s heart pumping and will eventually bring it back to the Jewell it once was.
You think the local economy is bad now.. Take away Tourist $$ and see what is left of this town. I am sure you have at least one friend who’s business relies on incoming$$ to survive.
I would love to see them bulldoze the Old Millers Outpost building and put in a Hilton, Hyatt or anything else that would have a nice curb appeal, actual vegetation and help bring beauty to this town again.
The Lake, Trees and all the other beauty is here to stay and there will always be enough caring local residents to keep it that way.
I second the “Keep Tahoe Sued” philosophy!
Many people may be upset at redevelopment, but that certainly revitalized and cleaned up it’s first major project by Ski Run, then by the Gondola. I feel it was going to do the same for the rest of the town had the economy and financing run into the tank.
I really think its up to each property owner on Hwy 50 to clean up their property. Small projects can do so much, just look at Lou’s pawn shop and the adjoining Tep’s. Taco Bell and Jack in the Box…they look nice. The new 54 acre project will add some positiveness so hopefully the buildings on Harrison follow suit.
It takes just one to get the ball rolling.
30yearLocal..well said my friend! Everyone wants a green, untouched Tahoe, but the most of the corridor is an eyesore. The Village, new Red Hut and adjoining areas (Lou’s) are a wonderful upgrade to the community.