Author Borg releases next thriller based in Lake Tahoe
By Susan Skorupa, Reno Gazette-Journal
Owen McKenna is at it again, which means Todd Borg is at it again, as well.
McKenna is a fictional detective who bailed out of the San Francisco PD and is living on the east side of Lake Tahoe, fated to end up trying to solve twisty murder mysteries.
Borg, meanwhile, is McKenna’s inventor, and he’s just come up with the latest chapter in the detective’s life, “Tahoe Hijack,” (Thriller Press, $16.95 paperback) the ninth in a series of Tahoe-based mysteries.
“I’ve learned from feedback and emails, people will tell me what they love about the books and that teaches me about the unspoken covenants of authors with readers,” said the Lake Tahoe resident. “It makes it so I have to deliver within the range of expectations readers have, but I still have to surprise them. I have to come up with new surprises, but I can’t stretch too far or they’ll be disappointed.
“I can’t kill off a main character or hurt Spot,” he said. “In ‘Tahoe Killshot,’ Spot was shot; he was banged up. I heard from readers.”