DA’s office releasing Dugard-Garrido documents

El Dorado County District Attorney Vern Pierson has released many of the documents and videos used in the Diane Sawyer interview with Jaycee Lee Dugard that aired on ABC July 10.

While various media outlets have sought release of various documents surrounding the investigation through Public Records Acts requests, they have come in bits and pieces. The latest documents pertaining to the kidnap and rape of the South Lake Tahoe youngster — who is now 31 — were released July 12.

They include a video of a parole officer searching Phillip and Nancy Garrido’s residence, two video clips showing some of the Garridos’ activities videotaping children in public, a map of South Lake Tahoe showing Garrido victims known to law enforcement prior to the abduction of Dugard, and additional documents.

The press release is the easiest way to access all of them.

An Aug. 3 meeting in Sacramento spearheaded by Pierson and state Sen. Ted Gaines is scheduled to work on ways to change the parole system.

— Lake Tahoe News staff report