Draft redistricting map puts Ted and Beth Gaines in quandary

By Jim Sanders, Sacramento Bee

‘Til death do them part, sure, but nobody envisioned this.

Ted and Beth Gaines, the Legislature’s only married couple, find themselves in an odd predicament from the latest draft maps by California’s independent redistricting commission.

Beth’s Assembly career apparently would benefit by her continuing to live in the couple’s Roseville home, but Ted’s Senate career could be in jeopardy unless he pulls up stakes and moves.

The two Republicans who represent Lake Tahoe are not talking because boundary lines could change before an Aug. 15 vote on final maps, but tentatively, Beth is targeted for a safe GOP seat and Ted should grab some Excedrin.

Specifically, Ted would be separated from most of the voters who elected him and placed in a Senate district dominated by GOP colleague Doug LaMalfa and stretching to Red Bluff.

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