Money being raised to help find missing S. Tahoe woman

An event to raise money to find a missing South Lake Tahoe woman is scheduled for July 24 fro 5-8pm at Classic Cue, 1961 Lake Tahoe Blvd., South Tahoe.

On July 1, Marie Hanson left with her neighbors to go to the annual Rainbow Gathering near Stevenson, Wash. The last tim she was seen at the gathering was July 6 or July 7. Her neighbors lost track of her and returned to Tahoe without her, bringing her camping gear, her wallet, phone and medicines home with them.

Marie Hanson

Marie Hanson

Hanson is still missing. She is a loving wife, mother and grandmother, who is active in her church and community.

A website has been set up to help get the word out.

The money raised from the event will go to hiring a private investigator.