Motorcycle cops on ride to raise funds for Special Olympics

On July 9, law enforcement motorcycle riders will depart from four locations in the Bay Area and Central California on a fundraising ride to benefit the Northern California Special Olympics. The endpoint of the ride is the South Lake Tahoe Moose Lodge where the riders will celebrate with a dinner and party.

Riders are expected to start arriving at the lake about 5pm. These normally “tough cops” will be wearing bright tutus rather than service revolvers to “complement” their leathers.

The local Moose Lodge is a co-sponsor of the event, and all proceeds support the training and competition that is provided free to the 14,000 athletes who compete in the Northern California Special Olympics.

The Law Enforcement Torch Run is the largest global grass-roots fundraiser and public awareness campaign for Special Olympics. In 2010 the worldwide law enforcement fundraising efforts raised more than $38 million for the benefit of Special Olympics athletes.

In Northern California more than 3,500 Law Enforcement personnel participated in the Law Enforcement Fundraising efforts and raised more than $1 million in 2010 for Special Olympics Northern California.

South Lake Tahoe Moose Lodge 1632 is located at 961 Eloise Ave., South Lake Tahoe.

For more information, contact Barry Keil at (530) 545.1087, or call the Lodge between noon and 8 pm at (530) 541.1632.