Officers investigating possible homicide in South Lake Tahoe


By Kathryn Reed

South Lake Tahoe police officers are investigating the death of a 52-year-old man as a possible homicide.

sltpdOfficers said they were called by the dead man’s roommate to their residence in the 3700 block of Forest Avenue at 3:15 Monday morning because the victim was not breathing and had sustained a head trauma.

Names are not being released of either man. The 55-year-old surviving roommate is being questioned, but had not been arrested as of noon July 25..

“At this point and time we are covering all of our bases,” Police Chief Brian Uhler told Lake Tahoe News. With the roommate being the reporting party and the last person to see the victim alive, officers have a lot of questions for him.

An exact cause of death has not been determined by the medical examiner.

Uhler would not say if a weapon had been recovered. A search warrant was expected to be secured today so officers could further search the residence.

Uhler only characterized the men’s relationship as roommates. The house on Forest is one-bedroom, and 416 square feet. Another person lives on site, but not in the same building.


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Comments (21)
  1. tahoeadvocate says - Posted: July 25, 2011

    Last week a heroin bust on Paradise, this week a possible murder on Forest.

    What a neighborhood!

  2. sam says - Posted: July 25, 2011

    This shows how much Tahoe sucks and how little the cops do. They are the biggest waste of money ever. They will probably force a false confession out of this person.

  3. David Kelly says - Posted: July 25, 2011

    Cops do a GREAT JOB with the man power they have. The City Manager should put them back to full strength.

  4. amber says - Posted: July 25, 2011

    Tahoe as a whole is a cesspool for drugs, crime, felons and potheads. If I were law enforcement, I’d run from this place. If I didn’t run, I’d quickly become desensitized to the trash that runs rampant here.

    As for the City Manager or anything City, pffft. Joke.

  5. Parker says - Posted: July 25, 2011

    Don’t see any issues with the PD in this matter?! But Mr. Kelly, as someone else pointed out in regards to another story-at full strength I’d hate to see how many would get together to take a break at the local Starbucks, or if they’d need more than 8 PD to corner an unarmed kid using a fake id, or if they’d find even more mundane reasons to pull people over??

  6. Clear Water says - Posted: July 25, 2011

    Amber, You got be on drugs to rent a house here in So.Shore…and the rest of us buying are caught in between a crappy city council and bunch rip off business people who grease the under voting and lack of vision of the residents that really do care.
    They want your place to look -hitty because they can tear it down with you in it and build a tourist trap that last couple months out the year then back to couple National holidays .
    They got steal from peter to pay paul..same goes for any money that’s not used.
    Probably nothing more than a IOU in some file to keep it looking nice, when the books are already cooked to ash.

  7. Mark says - Posted: July 25, 2011


    The city doesn’t have eight officers on at once. It’s usually 3-4 so try being anti-cop with facts. (Listen to a scanner enough and its easy to figure out)

    Our city’s department has been slashed so much over the past five years that they aren’t even staffing an investigator for burglaries. (try getting something stolen in Tahoe; kiss it goodbye)

    I don’t fault the cops. I fault our city for failing to staff them right.

    Sam: Are you expecting them to be the psychic cops? How would they have prevented this? Get real!

  8. Parker says - Posted: July 25, 2011

    Mark, I SAW the 8 cops with my own eyes!!!! Saw them at Chevy’s! I know what a police uniform looks like! And they were all SLTPD!

  9. Parker says - Posted: July 25, 2011

    So Mark, You’re the one who doesn’t have his facts straight!! And I’m not anti-cop! We need a PD in our town! I just see where they could be a lot more economical with our tax dollars!!

  10. the conservation robot says - Posted: July 25, 2011

    Seriously, there is no need for all the exclamation marks.

  11. Parker says - Posted: July 25, 2011

    Your obsession with me is quite flattering, The Conservation Robot!!!!

  12. the conservation robot says - Posted: July 25, 2011

    It is a genuine suggestion.

  13. amber says - Posted: July 25, 2011

    Clearwater, I am not a renter. This town is full of slumlords, but equally filled with trash tenants who abuse the system by eating up rent on an owners dime while they are slowly being evicted. Ergo, its no wonder why so many owners are slumlords….who can afford to own when the odds are against you from the City and tenants. We agree :)

    But anyway, as for law enforcement, Although I am not in law enforcement, I do interact with them on a regular basis. I have seen and experienced the innane issues they are subjected to daily. They may have the title of Police Officer, but infact they are treated like adult babysitters. I can only imagine the stories they can share. I know, I’ve witnessed way too many tinfoil hat episodes where I am at. I’m at the point where I can barely muster up empathy anymore because this community is straight up inmoral and pathetic. This does not mean I have not had my own complaints about them, but I’ve been able to learn and understand more about what they endure and deal with.

    Everyone hates a cop until they need one.

  14. grannylou says - Posted: July 26, 2011

    No, everyone does not hate a cop! You seem to have a bit of an attitude problem. I have great respect for the police and what they do and know many others who respect them as well. Do not speak for others, only yourself.

  15. amber says - Posted: July 26, 2011

    I’m speaking in general granny. Get a grip.

  16. Centurion says - Posted: July 26, 2011

    The Police in this town do an excellent job, the Community is very safe compared to with California Cities. The City budget crisis has effected all departments, including the PD. Considering the level of staff available they work very hard.

    And Parker, the PD has never had 6-8 Officers on a single shift. I have no idea what uniforms you saw, maybe SO and CHP along with PD. Normal staffing is 3-4 officers with 1 sergeant.

  17. Parker says - Posted: July 26, 2011

    I saw it! They were SLTPD. I get my eyes checked every year, and I can count! Period! Just like how the PD says they only have two cars patrolling and I’ll drive from one end of town to the other, and I’ll count 4, 5 or 6.

    Now, am I saying that we don’t need a PD, or that the officers aren’t dedicated? Or that they’re bad people? Not at all!! They’re dedicated, good people! (Though there have been some bad apples they could’ve done a better job of removing!)

    But the PD is like any other government agency and they’re human. They want as much money, resources and people that they can get! But they get those resources from the taxpayer! And it’s been well-chronicled how our town is broke and amongst other things, we don’t have money to fix our bone-jarring roads! We need to be efficient!

    That’s why I point things out like the excessive staffing. I’ve seen it! Period! For anyone to protest otherwise just does not know what they’re talking about! Plain & Simple!!

  18. satori says - Posted: July 26, 2011

    The PD is getting quite a reputation for being overzealous, as if they watch too many “Cops” episodes. . . The “shift numbers” mentioned do not add up, as there are cases where either 6 or 7 show up, or, as witnessed, there have been two stops within a block or so with at least two officers at each. . .on multiple occasions.

    Are these all exactly at a shift change ?

    Even “Cops” doesn’t have 6 or 7 show up.

  19. amber says - Posted: July 26, 2011

    To add Parker, this town is so broke that they can’t or wont keep people in jail for crimes committed. Wanna steal from local businesses? Commit felonies? Well we just sentence them to weekends in jail.

  20. Clear Water says - Posted: July 26, 2011

    They like the big squeeze,writing tickets at Parking lot up at the Crescent V Shopping center.
    I think they call it something else NOW but if you been here for years it’s still the same place,only the city brain child’s thought it fit the Eye SORE HEAVENLY VILLAGE BETTER WITH A beautiful pant on the back for such a costly Garage clout show of failure to the tax payers.

    Now that’s a real crime?